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I walk around the ball, trying to find Francesca, I walk closer to the bar and finally see her, talking to Dante? Well more like arguing she seems pissed off, she slaps him across the face and stomps away from him. She sees me watching the show unfold and stomps over to me.

"That whole mafia, and their dick personalities. They think they own the world, and do everything in their power to make me lose it" she throws her hands up making a show.

"Tell me about it, Kylo thinks I'm his little pretty thing that he needs to protect and show off" I roll my eyes.

"No like I really don't understand, can we get out of here?" She pleads.

"You know we can't, well not until the big event comes on" I remind her.

"What even is it this year," she asks annoyed. I feel a tug at my dress, and see Elena at my foot. 

"Help! Elijah's chasing me with a knife!" She exclaims in sheer panic. 

"Yeah, Ace is chasing me with a spear!" Kash runs to Francesca.

We see the boys running around trying to find our girls while holding weapons. "Do they seriously not know how to control their kids" I roll my eyes. I look around the ball to find Kylo and I see him at the bar having a drink with Dante and two random chicks.

 "Look how cute, they find new girls every time we look away for a split second," I say sarcasm laced in my voice. "Let's go," I say as we walk over to the guys.

I push the whore out of the way and look up to Kylo. "Go get your rabid brother before he kills one of my kids" I point over to his brother running around with a knife. 

"Your kids?" He asks confused. 

"Kylo" I  grab his shirt and pull him close. "Please don't let me lose my shit. My sister, and Francesca's sister" I let out a deep breath trying to control myself from throwing a fit. I look over to Francesca and she's all up in Dante's face, looking as if she's yelling, but I can't hear over the loud talking and music.

"He looks like he's having fun, maybe your little brats need a lesson from them-" I slap him across the face before he can finish.

"Do not ever tell me what me or my kids need ever again, do not speak to me, I don't want to hear your negative accusations. Get your brother under control or I'll do it for you" I seethe. "You can continue fucking around with your whores now" I gesture to the girls giving Francesca and I disgusted faces.

Francesca and I walk off with the girls and head over to the other bar. As we reach the bar, we are all clearly upset over what happened. "No, you know what fuck all of them. Look girls, I want you to go to the kid's area find 2 cute boys one for each of you, and flirt with them. Make Ace and Elijah jealous" I smirk. 

"Uh, I don't know how two flirt" Kash shrugs. 

"Yeah me neither" Elena raises her hand up.

"All you have to do is smile, then talk with them, and hang out with them. Oh, and touch their hair guys love that" Francesca smirks.

 "Exactly, just keep it simple and make sure the boys are watching you. We're going to find a couple of guys here" I gesture to the bar. 

"Oh um okay, I'll try," Elena says. 

"Yeah sounds kinda easy I think" Kash scratches the back of her head.

"Yup, yup super easy now go on make us proud" I shoo them off and they walk to the kid's area. 

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