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"Looks like we're at the club" Dave points to the well-lit place.   

"Let's go!" I grab Francesca's arm and pull her out of the car.

 "We just need 2 hours, if the guys wake up just knock them unconscious again" I wave them off. Beast jumps out of the car and then Mario slams the door shut.

"We're going to have a blast" Francesca smiles evilly.

 "Let's not get ourselves hung up on any other guys, your simp self can't handle it" I laugh shaking her shoulder. 

 "No promises!" Francesca laughs as we walk into the club.

"Oh my god, my eardrums are about to burst, why the fuck is it so loud" Francesca puts her hands on her ears. 

"I don't know, hey what's over there" I point to a part of the club that looks more secluded.

 "Let's go check it out," Francesca says as we walk to the little place behind a wall. It's completely different, it's darker, with girls on the stage, and poles.

"Oh strip club," Francesca and I say in unison. 

"It's like a two-in-one" I laugh looking toward Beast. He looks annoyed with the music playing, but he refuses to stay in the car while I'm out clubbing because he feels left out.

 "Oh my god, please tell me you can read my mind" Francesca pleads shaking me.

 "No, no, and no" I shake my head vigorously knowing what she's hinting at.

 "Please, oh come on! You said we could shake a little ass" she smirks pulling my hand.

"We don't even have clothes for that stuff, we don't even work here!" I whisper yell.

"I'm sure the girls in the back won't say anything, we can pretend we work here and borrow something from back there, it wouldn't be the first time. Come on, I'm sure they have extra pieces!" She whines. 

"I can never say no to you and it's becoming a problem" I roll my eyes and give in to her pulling my arm to the room.

"Thanks, babe, now let's go before people get suspicious" She smirks and shoots me a wink.

We walk over to a back door labeled 'Authorized Personal Only' We look around to make sure no one is looking at us and swiftly move in.

No one said anything about Beast which I was pretty surprised about, usually, at least one person says something about him, even though he's allowed to be in clubs and bars.

As we walk it's nothing we haven't seen before, there are lockers, mirrors, and tons of girls in outfits barely covering their nipples. "Look over there" Francesca points to a box that has a bunch of outfits.

"Are you out of your mind, can you imagine how many STDs are in that pile of outfits?" I shake my head in disgust.

 "It says that they're washed, and-" she smells the outfit, "they smell nice so, we'll be fine" She starts digging through the outfits. "Oh my god, this one will suit you so well!" She pulls out an outfit that looks like a two-piece black bathing suit that covers absolutely nothing.

"Oh, what the hell you only live once right" I grab the 2 pieces from her hand.

 "Ay there's my stripper best friend I was wondering where she went" she laughs still digging through the pile.

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