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"Oh good, we're here!" Olivia beamed. 

"Let's go, guys!" Amy gave the keys to the valet guy and jumped out of the car. 

"Beast, come one" I call out. We all jumped out and headed into the building in a horizontal line, touching shoulders.

 "Stop because we look so hot right now, I see us walking in slow motion to a fun-filled night, to fuck shit up" Laura laughs.

This is going to be interesting.

We all walk into the elevator pressing the 60th floor, where the rooftop party is being held. "Aw how cute, we're in the same place we met. When we tell people where we met, we can be like oh an elevator" She laughs, and I muster a laugh. I like her, kinda, but she has a lot of energy and I don't know something just seems a little off.

The elevator chimes and the doors of the elevator open revealing loud music, lights, and hundreds of people. I get close to Francesca and whisper "how the hell are we going to find Ryan in this mess, and with these girls?" 

"No fucking clue, but we better figure it out, and fast" she huffs, taking in the perimeter and all the fucking people here.

"Okay come here, they are over there I want to introduce you to the guys" Laura grabs our arms and practically drags us to the guys.

"Where's Jeremy?" Laura asked one of the guys staring at me. He shifts his attention slowly to Laura and his expression changes "Jeremy?"

"Uh yeah Jeremy, you know the one I usually hang out with" she looked around trying to give him hints, obviously not happy with the answer she received. 

"Oh shit, Jeremy! Yeah uh, he went to the bathroom with Daniel, and Parker" he quickly answered. 

"Oh okay," Laura smiles. 

"Daniel is Olivia's guy, and Parker has a girlfriend" she whispers to me, and I nod my head understanding.

"So who's your new friend?" The guy asks.

 "Oh this is Arianna" she gestures to me.

"Nice to meet you, Arianna, my name is Jonah " he smiles and holds out his hand. I place my hand in his and he pulls it to his mouth planting a kiss on the top of my hand. I smile at him and glance over at Francesca who's already hitting it off with some guy. 

"Looks like Frida found Kai" Amy laughs.

"Yeah, oh my god here he comes, how do I look" I try to peer over her to see 'her' guy, but she stands right in front of me. "Perfect" I smile. 

"Ugh I love you, thank you. Pretend like you're talking to me, I don't want things to be awkward" she fake laughs quickly glancing at the mysterious guy I have yet to see.

We had a random conversation about goldfish before she decided that she was pissed off because Jeremy didn't come to say hi to her and started talking to his other friends. I still don't know which one Jeremy is and it's super dark.

"I hate men, I always have to make the first move" she rolled her eyes, and walked up to the guys. Francesca was talking with Amy and saw that I walked up to the guys and walked over to us. 

"Hey how's it going" she whispered.

 "Pretty bad, still have no idea where the fuck Ryan is" I fake smile at her trying not to gain suspicion from anyone.

Francesca laughs, "I saw him like 2 minutes ago, but I can't really do anything with these people constantly on m-"

"Oh my god hi Jeremy! I didn't know you were here!" Laura screams at the top of her lungs throwing herself-

FORCED LOVEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora