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My eyes tried to pry open, but they were blinded by a light. I tried to put my hand up to shield my eyes, but I was restrained. My hands had been tied behind me, where the hell am I?

I suffered through the indescribable feeling of opening my eyes under the blinding light and looked around squinting my eyes. I was sitting in a brown wooden chair, with a spotlight right above me, it didn't look like anything else was in the room. It was a gray concrete cell with no outside light, it looked like a prison cell. I'm probably in the dungeon.

"Look who's up" A familiar voice came through the heavy metal door. I heard a loud slam and my eyes opened fully curious as to who the hell kidnapped me.

"Hey bitch" I heard the god-awful voice.

"Your ass was the one who kidnapped me?" I laugh to myself.

"What's so funny, bitch?" She lifted her leg up and kicked my jaw, guess that was my cue to shut up.

"Why'd you kidnap me Daliah?" I asked as pleasantly as a kidnapped victim could, trying to gain information.

"My dad wants you to join our mafia, but I know you obviously aren't going to do that so you're going to work as a sex slave here. People will think you're dead, but you'll just be working here. It's a win-win, everyone forgets about you, I rise to the top, and my filthy men get to have you at their disposal" her lips turned into a devilish grin.

"You really think my family and friends are just going to forget about me? I run this shit Daliah" I laugh at her stupidity.

"You never did know when to keep your fucking mouth shut did you, Aspen" she smirks at me and throws a right hook at my face, I try to dodge, but I'm restrained taking in her weak punches.

"Well, I'm bored of you so you have 1 day to make up your mind, join us or work as a sex slave and have everyone forget you. Oh, and for your information, I have Francesca and Eve in case you were thinking of any other options other than the latter" she smiles at me and waves me off.

As soon as the door closes, I jump up and throw myself back breaking the chair and releasing myself from its grasp. Fuck that hurt. Now, what the hell do I do. She has my friends so even if I were to escape she would kill them. I'm stuck in a prison cell with an 80-ton door keeping me in here. I feel like a little preppy princess having to wait for someone to come rescue me. 

I'm fucked for the time being. 


"FUCK KYLO!" My father slammed his hand on the desk to his side.

"I didn't know I was supposed to fucking follow her around like a lost puppy! She did fine protecting herself before, how was I supposed to know they were planning this?!" I yelled back at him, how the hell is this my fault? And if anyone should be mad it should be fucking me.

"Michael is going to kill my ass" he puts a hand over his mouth and drags it down feeling the stubbles on his face.

"We can get her back-" I began to say before he interrupted me.

"AND HOW THE FUCK DO WE ACCOMPLISH THAT IF WE DON'T KNOW WHERE THE GERMANS ARE?" He yelled at the top of his lungs making Dante and Milo flinch beside me.

"I, uh, okay none of you take this the wrong way. Its sole purpose was for incidents like this, but I have a tracker on her" I scratched the back of my neck, awaiting their response. My father looked at me for a good 2 minutes in shock.

"My son is pussy whipped" he puts a hand to his forehead pacing back and forth. "I'm not going to cause a scene over this, because in the end, it's helping us, we need to tell Michael, Maxim, and Marcello. We can't go into this alone, unprotected" he looks like he's near to pulling out his hair. "Text that group you guys are all in together. Make a new one obviously, because they probably took Aspen's phone" he states the obvious.

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