Chapter 19

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Kylo looks at me annoyed and roughly taps the speaker button in front of me.

 "Aspen, are you okay?" My father asks frantically on the other side of the phone. I never call him on a mission unless something went wrong or there were serious issues.

"Michael?" Luca asks with a hint of confusion, from Kylo's phone. 

"Oh fuck, she found out," they both say in unison.

"What the hell are you talking about" I grab both phones raising my voice into the speakers. 

"No need to be upset Aspen, everything is fine, we didn't want you to get involved, because we wanted you to focus on your choice of marriage" my father explains.

"That's not an excuse! Dad are you for real? Well now I'm part of this mission because it seems big, and it concerns my mafia. So would someone like to update me?" I ask trying to be as patient as I can obviously failing to do so.

"Kylo I'm going to beat your ass" my father growls into the phone.

 "Michael I'm right here" Luca speaks through the phone. 

"This is only hurting you guys, in the long run. Now there's going to be even more time until she picks a husband" I can sense the annoyance in my father's voice.

"Damn it Kylo!" Luca yells through the phone. 

"Don't be mad at Kylo, if he hadn't told me I would've found out myself and I would've been even more pissed" I explain to the two very annoyed men.

"So does that mean you'll pick me?" Kylo asks with a big smile on his face. 

"I don't know yet" I answer shrugging my shoulders, that's the least of my problems right now. "Let's go I want to hear what's happening, someone better speak up" I talk to the 3 men hoping to gain an answer. 

"Okay I guess I'll start, the German mafia has targeted, the American mafia, Russian mafia, and the 2 Italian mafia's. We held a meeting about 3 days ago to discuss what was happening. We don't know exactly what they want or have, but they all went after at least one of our ports. Taking our shipments and destroying our ports. They're working closely with the French and Spanish which outnumber us greatly. So the 2 Italian mafias, the Russian mafia, and the American mafia hosted a meeting. It was cut short because of another problem, but we were planning on having one tomorrow night-" my father starts to say before I interrupt him.

"I'm attending" I state cutting him off. 

"Yes dear, you can attend now that u have no interest in picking a husband now" I could sense him rolling his eyes.

"Perfect is this settled now? I have other things to do" Luca interrupts, hinting the annoyance in his voice.

"Wait, is this why I needed to get Ryan Weber?" I ask, it all makes sense now. 

"Yes retrieve him and bring him back quickly we need him for tomorrow night. 

"Okay sounds good. See u guys" I press the decline button on each phone.

I look up at Kylo and he looks down at me. "Thank you," I say dryly not wanting to ever say those words to him. 

"You're welcome, see I'm honest with you, if you pick another guy they won't be honest with you" he states matter a factly. 

"And how are you so sure of that?" I ask mustering a laugh, the audacity.

"Because I'm different mafia leaders don't just trust anyone. I don't trust anyone except you because I'm trying to win u over and gain your trust you're the only person I told about the meeting. Not even Dante knew" he tells the truth. I stare at him noticing his features are soft not telling any lies only the truth.

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