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"What do you mean Oliver Mckay? They're known for hacking" Milo rubs his temples.

"Yeah, yeah in the hacker world because no one knows who the hell the Mckay's are" I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Yeah, I have no idea who the fuck that is. But if they're messing with our shit and got in the way of Francesca and I's relationship then we have a problem. So do some abracadabra magic and find where he lives so I can kill him" Dante says sipping his bourbon on a couch chair.

"Couldn't agree more" I smirk at Dante. "I need Oliver Mckay dead and contact with Aspen as soon as possible" I run a hand through my hair at the mention of her name.

"Guys it's not that easy these people have code barriers it'll take forever to get through them all without being traced" he shakes his head in defiance.

"Well, you better get to it" I pat his shoulder as I walk past him.

"It could take months," Milo said quietly afraid of my reaction.

"Find another way then" I rolled my eyes.

"I can't Kylo you know I would but-" he began to say before I grabbed a knife from my belt and held it up to his neck.

"Find another way Milo" I growled under my breath holding the knife to his neck.

"Sure thing boss," he says as his voice cracks while typing away on his computer. I bring my knife back and place it back into my belt looking over at Dante. He had a blank expression on his face fearing anything he says will be used against him.

"I'm going to my office, I expect at least something in 2 hours," I say walking off to my office.


I waited until Kylo left the room before I spoke up, "Are you good bro?" I ask Milo typing away on his laptop. "Don't take it to heart he's just pissed and frustrated he can't have Aspen, he was really excited to finally see her, and then shit went down" I try to explain to Milo.

"Yeah don't worry, I get it I would be upset too, that's why I'm not mad I know he doesn't mean it" he smiles at me giving me reassurance.

I wave him off leaving the room, I try to call Francesca again in hopes of it working but it goes straight to voicemail. We had talked at dinner and gone over what happened while we were away from each other.

 It went better than Kylo and Aspen because I stayed loyal to Francesca, well Kylo and Aspen were never in a relationship, so I don't know if it counts or not. But we figured out we we're unable to contact each other when we were together, we had tried everything but nothing worked.

I wanted to see her again and I spent hours trying to find out a way to see her, we should've scheduled a time yesterday to meet up today. I heard my door open and looked up to see all the kids at my door.

"Dante can you take us to get ice cream, Kash and Elena are going to be there," Ace asked me with the rest of the kids behind him.

"Uh I have a lot on my plate right now-" I began to say before his phone started ringing. He picked it up and started talking to the person on the other side.

"I'm asking now," he said into the phone. "Is that a yes or no?" Ace asked me putting the phone on his chest to signal he was talking to me.

"Who the hell are you talking to?" I ask confused.

"Kash" he furrowed his eyebrows at my sudden hostility.

"How? You guys are still allowed to talk to them?" I asked confused getting up from my bed quickly.

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