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"Now that we are finished with the massages you may go soak in the hot tub we will be back in 15 minutes to take you both to the saunas," Layla says with a smile on her face.  We declined the offer of giving each other massages, because I don't think I would've been okay if I had to endure Kylo's hands on my body, teasing me, in public.  

We tied our robes back on and I walked to the corner of the room where the hot tub was, I looked over to Layla, and she had a big smile on her face waiting for us to get in.

"So do we use bathing suits?" I ask confused.

 "Oh no dear you both will take off your robes and hang them on the coat hangers right beside the hot tub. We will be back in 15 minutes enjoy!" Layla smiles and closes the door.

"Turn around," I say to Kylo as if he already knew the routine. 

"We already saw each other naked in case you forgot" he rolled his eyes, taking off his robe. I turn to the side not wanting to see him naked again.

"Just turn around, please?" I ask nicely as I hear the water splash around signaling he is in the tub.

"Fine whatever," he said looking the opposite way. I quickly take off my robe put it on the coat hanger and enter the burning water.

Holy shit it feels so good.

Thank god the tub has bubbles shielding us both. "Can I look now?' He breaks through my thoughts with patience diminishing.

"Oh yeah," I speak up looking at him. He turns around to look at me and his eyes attempt to travel down my body stopping at my collar bone where the bubbles commence. He brings his eyes back to look into my eyes, the tension around us is so thick. I feel like he's going to pounce on me, if I don't do it first.

I hate making the first move in fear of rejection, but I want his hands to explore my body once again, the electric feeling that brings me so much adrenaline. We sit in silence staring at each other awaiting the other person to make the first move, "fuck this" I swim across the water between us and Kylo grabs my wrist pulling me towards him faster. I grab the back of his neck and secure my seat on his lap, I look into his eyes before closing mine and softly planting a kiss on his lips.

I pull away from him to see his reaction his lips slightly parted, he grabs my neck and pulls me closer to him crashing his lips on mine. His hands travel down to my waist caressing my hips with his fingers. 

He pushes my legs slightly down now sitting on his lap with his cock in between my legs. He moves my hips with his hands to grind on his dick which causes a grunt from him in response and a moan escapes my lips. Granting his tongue entrance, he explored my mouth with his tongue. My fingers combed his hair and I gently tugged at it.

He traveled from my lips to my neck in a matter of seconds, planting soft kisses from my jaw to my collar bone. He sucks on a piece of my neck and I breathe heavily as his hands squeeze my ass.

My hands travel from his hair down his body caressing down until my hands hit the water. I slowly graze my fingers over his abs going lower and lower down to his cock. I take it in my hand pumping it and then lifting my body up a bit so his cock can enter me. He quickly removes his hands from my waist taking my hand off his dick. He sits me down farther away from him, and I end up sitting closer to his knees.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask looking down not wanting to look him in the eyes. I'm so embarrassing, what the fuck was I thinking?

He put a finger to my chin and pushed my face upward to look at him, "we only have 2 minutes left" he took notice of the clock above the tub. "That's not enough time to fuck the shit out of you and make sure you aren't able to walk tomorrow" he smirks at me.

FORCED LOVEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora