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"We have now arrived at the enchanted caves! Enjoy the view, snorkel, swim, and so much more!" The guide yells through his portable microphone.

"Guess that's our cue to get out, let's go kids" Aspen starts tapping us all to get up. 

I wanted to sit next to Elena, but she sat with Camila and Kash, so I had to sit with Matteo and Ace. We talked a lot at the beach though and she looked happy to talk to me. She was mad at me at the ball because we were playing tag, but then she told Aspen and Francesca and I got in trouble for no reason.

We all agreed to play tag and she got all scared when we brought weapons into it. Then she started touching this guy's hair and talking to him, I don't think she even knew who he was. Kylo was super mad at us and told us if it happened again he would tell Kash and Elena to never talk to us again. 

But at the beach, I caught a hermit crab and gave it to her, and she was happy so it made me happy. "Elijah, Elijah, Elijahhhhh" a voice breaks me out of my thoughts. 

"What" I answer back, looking around to see who was calling my name.

We had stopped at the stand where they were renting out snorkeling stuff. "Do you want to snorkel?" Camila asks holding up snorkeling gear.

"No, not re-"

"Elena's snorkeling" Matteo cuts me off. 

"Yeah, I wanna snorkel" I answer with a smile looking over to Elena.

"Are you going to snorkel Aspen?" Kash asked looking over at Aspen.

"Yeah someone has to make sure you guys don't drown" Aspen laughs.

"We're all snorkeling" Kylo comes from behind her and she rolls her eyes. I don't know what's going with them, one minute they like each other and then the next minute they're super mad at each other and they look like they're going to murder each other.

The snorkel guy gives us each a pair of flippers, goggles, and the mouthpiece. "Thank you" Elena speaks softly when the guy gives her the items.

"Do y-you want to jump in together Elena?" I stutter a bit scared of her response.

"Sure," she says softly with a smile. 


I look over to Ace and it looks like he asked Kash the same question, but he's more confident. He went in and grabbed her hand in his they held hands leading up to the caves. I wish I could do that.

Elena looked at me and noticed I was looking at Kash and Ace. I saw her smile out of the corner of my eye and she made a swift movement and before I could do anything my hand was full, she grabbed my hand, she grabbed my hand, oh my god. I'm holding hands with Elena. Oh my god. Don't freak out Elijah, it's going to be fine, keep calm.

I try my best to keep my eyes forward and make it seem like it doesn't affect me, but I can't help but glance at our hands intertwined. I'm trying so hard not to move my hand or anything, I don't want her to think that I don't like this. My heart is beating so hard and fast, she can probably feel it from holding my hand in hers.

"No fuck you, I'm jumping in" Aspen speaks loud, and everyone switches their gaze to look at their fight. She flips Kylo off and jumps into the crystal waters. Kylo looks like he's going to kill her as she pokes her head out of the water, she pushes her hair out of her face and smirks at Kylo. I look over to my brother and he's shooting her a death glare, he makes a swift movement throws his shirt off, and jumps in after her.

"Holy shit he's going to kill her" Dante laughs and Francesca laughs next to him.

"What did she do?" I ask confused, everyone seemed to know what was going on.

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