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We open the door walking onto the pool deck, some people turned their heads in our direction while others kept dancing. There had to be about 100-200 people here, I looked over to the pool and got quick flashbacks of when it was just Kylo and I in there. Now it was occupied by a bunch of people I didn't know, some were making out, others were dancing, and some just talking as a group. It looked like a typical high school party except these people killed for sport. 

The once empty lounge chairs that surrounded the pool, were now gone and replaced with a bunch of people dancing. "'Let's go over there" Francesca pushed me into the crowd. 

I felt awkward at first, I didn't have any drinks in my system. As if someone heard my plea, a waiter came around with shots and I grabbed two, one in each hand. "Cheers!" Francesca, Eve, and I clinked our short glasses and downed our shots.

Now I'm ready to dance.  I moved my hips to the rhythm not having a single care in the world. "So all it took was a shot?" Eve laughed. 

We danced amongst the three of us, we took turns spinning each other, I started shaking my ass while Francesca and Eve pretended to throw money at me. I felt someone behind me attaching both their hands on the side of my waist, I looked over to Francesca and Eve, still grinding my ass on the person behind me. They threw a thumbs up at me and two guys approached both of them asking for a dance.

The guy in back of me guided my hips on his front, I could feel his hard-on pressing against me. He brought me up by my neck and grazed his nose along my neck heavily breathing on my exposed neck traveling up to my ear. "It's nice to finally meet you, Aspen" the unfamiliar voice spoke, I couldn't pinpoint who the voice belonged to.

I saw him make a swift movement taking a white bandana out of his suit pocket. I couldn't act in time to stop him from putting the bandana over my nose and mouth I kicked and tried to elbow him, trying not to breathe in the drugs on the bandana over my face. But it was no use I had already taken in an accidental breath kicking around like a lunatic.

Before I fell out of consciousness I saw Kylo exiting the elevator running full speed towards me, but it was too late. The person holding on to me was running as fast as he could, I felt my body wobble around as if I were jelly. The last things I heard were gunshots and yelling, before my eyes could no longer stay open.

I was done for. 

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