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"Does this look good?" I ask the guys, in my black cargo pants and an oversized hoodie. I want to look like I can dress for Kash she's very big on that type of stuff. 

 "Yeah you look good bro, don't worry" Milo gives me a reassuring nod.

"I don't know why you guys get so nervous around the girls you like. They obviously like you, from what I saw on the bus, Camila doesn't get off of Matteo, Elena touches her hair every time Elijah talks and only looks at him, and Kash tenses every time Ace is near her and can't keep eye contact" Dante speaks out of breath. We all stand there frozen unable to speak, tenses around me? What does that even mean? Does she actually like me? It can't be true, she's always a bitch to me.

"Yeah, but just cause he said those things, don't go and act like you're the shit, girls don't like that. Just don't bring it up, it's like sexual tension" Kylo shrugs.

"They're in 6th grade they don't need to be told they have sexual tension with a girl, don't listen to him, only the first part. Don't act like you're better than them" Dante says. Pretty self-explanatory.


"Can someone hand me my phone" Kylo calls out sprawled on the bed. Dante walks over to the charger in the wall and grabs Kylo's phone. He looks at the phone for a second to see who's calling and a smirk comes to his face, "Oh look it's Aspen."

Kylo's face completely changes, "well what the fuck are you waiting for? Give me my phone" he practically jumps from the bed to make his way to Dante. He throws his phone at him and Kylo quickly fixes his phone so that he can press the green accept button. "Hello?" He speaks first.

"Put her on speaker," Dante says trying to be nosy. Kylo shakes his head, and Dante doesn't like that answer. He begins playing tug of war with Kylo for the phone. 'Let go of my phone before I kill you' he mouths anger written all over his face.

"Hello?" we hear the voice from the other side of the phone.

Dante successfully clicked the speaker button, but was still fighting with Kylo so that he wouldn't take her off speaker. "Hello?" She says again.

"Yeah, I'm here what's up" Kylo grits through his teeth. 

"I've been saying hello for the past 3 minutes are you guys almost ready we're heading down to the arcade now," Aspen says annoyed.

"Shit" we all curse under our breaths.

"Oh and by the way I'm just going to drop the girls off at the arcade. Francesca, Eve, and I are going to the spa" she adds, since no one else said anything.

'The spa?' Dante mouths squinting his eyes and making a confused expression. 

"Okay we're coming too" Kylo responds impulsively. 

"They're completely booked" She responds quickly.

"I'll make them not booked then" Kylo shrugs, as if she could see him.

 "And how the hell are you going to do that? Just leave us alone we're going to have girl time" she says in an annoyed tone through the speaker, she's pissed. 

"Because people do anything for money, Principessa" Kylo smirks to himself.

"Kylo we've been with you guys all weekend, we need a break go to the arcade or go to the gym" she practically pleads.

"Why are you begging me to leave you alone?" Kylo asks with uncertainty written over his face.

"Because I want girl's time Kylo! Leave us alone! You aren't going to the spa and that's the end of it!" She screams into the phone and declines the call.

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