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If she didn't like when I called her names why didn't she say anything?  

Now she's not going to talk to me anymore. What if she starts talking to Edward again? And oh my god,  what if she switches her seat?

What if she doesn't want to sit next to me anymore? She might ask Ms. Anderson to switch her chair!

"Ace calm down, I can tell you're overthinking. Your face says it all" Dante points to my straining features.

"I don't want her to start talking to Edward, she's going to switch her chair, she's not going to talk to me anymore" I ramble saying all my thoughts aloud.

I hate talking about my feelings. Usually, I don't talk about my feelings to other people, but I don't know what to do.

"Whoa, bro you need to calm down, none of that is going to happen. Just talk to her and apologize, say you didn't mean to" he explains laughing at me.

"Yeah like that'll work" Camila rolls her eyes. I shoot a death glare at her and she sticks out her tongue taunting me.

I wonder if Kash also didn't like it when I said she'll never grow up to look as pretty as Aspen.

But I was just joking, she's prettier than Aspen! That day she didn't talk to me and she went to talk to Edward. She talked to everyone, but me that day. And I never said sorry, because I don't apologize, that's for wimps.


I know Elena better than anyone else, she's not upset. She likes it when I say stuff like that, she likes it when I'm mean to her and say she looks like an elephant. That's how we mess around and flirt.

She would've told me she didn't like it! Damn it! These people don't know what they're talking about!

"She doesn't mind, she would've told me" I cross my arms standing my ground.

"Yeah well, this message tells me different" Kylo chuckles shaking the stupid phone with the messages on it.

"I don't care what the message says! I know her better than anyone!" I shout tired of everyone ganging up on me.

"You have to be kidding me. You? You really think you, of all people, know her the best?" Camila looks at me with eyes that could kill. I stayed silent watching her anger unfold in front of me. "Who knew who her first kiss was? Or who had her scrunchie? Or when she would talk about how sad she was when you would call her names?!" She yelled in my face. 

"Just face it you two, they don't like you and they never will! You guys are mean, inconsiderate, and disrespectful" She faces the window, and the whole car falls silent.

I don't know what heartbreak is, but I think that's what my heart just did.


"Just face it you two, they don't like you and they never will! You guys are mean, inconsiderate, and disrespectful" I turn to the window not wanting to face them.

I think I went a little too hard on them, but if I genuinely think about it I was nicer than I should've been. Words stay lodged in someone's head until they die.

The things they've said to Kash and Elena as 'a joke', have stayed in their heads to this day. They forget the rude comments they make, but Kash and Elena don't.

I bet Ace doesn't even remember when Kash got a burger at lunch and he said 'You're really going to eat all of that?'. And when she said yes he widened his eyes and looked to the side, basically implying that she was eating too much.

How dare he?

Or when Elijah told Elena that she was too skinny and that she should eat more when she doesn't even have control over her fast metabolism!

If you think about it they're really mean a-holes and hopefully, when we go back to school on Monday, Kash and Elena will either give them a piece of their mind. Or even better the silent treatment.

Ace and Elijah can't go one day without saying a word to one of them. They'll go crazy, they are like little puppies in constant need of attention, and they won't last a day without Kash and Elena.

Ace is constantly looking at Kash during class, and since he's so shy and quiet he doesn't try to talk to her that much.

They're kinda polar opposites, Kash is the fun one who talks to everyone, and Ace is the shy one who doesn't talk to anyone. My friend Erica says that he's so hot and mysterious, but she's had a crush on him for like, ever.

Oh and then Elijah is the popular kid who plays like every sport, well Ace does too but he doesn't talk to anyone on the team, he keeps to himself.

Elijah on the other hand is always talking and bragging about how he's the best. While Elena is quiet and she only really talks to me and Kash, she's kinda scared of other people. Well not scared, more shy than anything, because I've seen her talk to other people, but she just feels uncomfortable.

Elijah is a lot to handle and always tries to talk to her, but she's kinda scared of him. They talk, but I can tell she feels uncomfortable because she fiddles with her fingers when she's nervous.

I think that's secretly why Elijah likes her because she doesn't fawn over him like the other girls, and he wants everything he can't get.

Elena is the only girl he forgets how to speak English in front of, he starts stuttering and messing up his words. He's so fascinated by her that he forgets how to talk, it's pretty funny actually.

It gets awkward sometimes when Elena is there and he's trying to make conversation, but can't get through a sentence, and Elena's too shy to say anything.

She talks to him, but when he stutters and can't talk she gets shy and just stands there not knowing what to do. She keeps to herself and keeps a close circle, and of course, Elijah being Elijah wants in on that circle.

Ace on the other hand makes barely any effort to talk to Kash, she's more like his eye candy. But if a guy gets close to her or talks to her, he's like a different person and becomes all possessive over her.

So I'm constantly there helping Elijah talk to Elena, and making sure Ace doesn't kill someone that gets too close to Kash.

That's why it gets me so upset when they talk badly about MY friends. I do everything in my power to help them with girls, and they just throw it away with their choice of words.


"Yeah your right, we aren't going to talk to them anymore" Kash states confidently.

"Good for you girls, that's the spirit" Francesca punches the air.

"Yeah, I'm tired of Elijah and Ace's crap" Kash huffs crossing her arms.

"Me too," Elena rolls her eyes.

"Good, well I'm going to head to my room because I want to finish watching my show. If they text you ignore them" I smile and wink at them.

"Yeah, Aspen has a very fun-packed weekend" Francesca smirks making eye contact with me, and I just roll my eyes.

"But yeah don't text them or call them, if they spam you just don't answer. Oh and silent treatment at school, but you don't have to worry about that because that's not till Monday. Goodnight girls" Francesca waves at all of us and I reciprocate.

We all walked to our separate rooms and I jumped in the shower after my long day. As the warm water caressed my body, I couldn't help but think back to Kylo.

His passionate kiss felt like more than I've ever experienced.  His touch was all that I needed to soothe me, but I wanted more, no I needed more.

What the actual fuck?

I'm just horny. It's not his touch, I'm just touch-deprived. I just need to get laid and it won't affect me anymore. Maybe I'll go to a club after Marcello's and have a one-night stand with some random guy that way there are no issues.

I hopped into bed after my shower and put on an oversized t-shirt for my pajamas. I grabbed my remote from my bedside and turned on the TV. I put on Vampire Diaries and binge-watched the last season.

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