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Someone let out a very light giggle. It sounded like a girl, so it had to be Katrina. Didn't really sound like her though. I heard them walking over, until they stood right in front of me. "Can I open my eyes now?" I asked, as I sighed and shook my head. I wasn't in the mood for these stupid games. "Yeah," Sam said, with excitement coating every syllable. "Open them." I cracked my eyelids open slowly, at first, until I saw familiar eyes staring back at me. My eyes flew open and I stood up from the chair. Her emerald eyes held my gaze, just as they did a few days ago. She had that smile, that could light up the whole damn world, on her gorgeous face. This wasn't possible. I stumbled a little, as I tried to take in her entire appearance. She was wearing the same sweats that she had worn a couple of days ago. They were still dirty and ripped. There was a burn mark on the shirt, above her heart. "Anna?" I whispered. My legs gave out and I fell into the chair behind me. She nodded and kept that beautiful smile on her face. "It's me, Colby," she whispered. "But you're dead. You came back as a ghost again? Damn it, Anna, I'm so fucking sorry," I choked out. My emotions were getting the best of me again. It wasn't fair that she was right in front of me, a ghost yet again. She kneeled down in front of me and placed her hands on my knees. I felt them. I felt the weight of her body. I guess she didn't need practice like Ash. She already knew how this thing worked. I held her emerald gaze and felt the tears start to well up in mine. "Don't be sorry," she whispered. "We defeated the most badass evil there was. I'm honored to have been a part of that." I sniffed and wiped the back of my hand across my eyes. "But your life was stolen from you again. It isn't fair. Why did you have to jump in front of us for? Why would you do that?" She smiled at me softly. "Because I love you. I love all of you. I would do it again. You protect the ones you love." She leaned forwards and took my hands in hers. I could feel their warmth, as she laced her fingers through my own. "Besides, it's not every day you get a third chance at life," she replied. Her lips were only a breath away from mine. I wanted to kiss her so badly, that I didn't even hear what she said. "What?" I asked, with my eyes locked on her mouth. She giggled, a light joyful sound that danced over my eardrums. She stood and pulled my hands, so that I would stand with her. I met her gaze again, with my heart pounding in my chest. "There's something different about you this time. As a ghost, I mean," I whispered. She let out another giggle and shook her head. "That's because I'm not a ghost, Colby. It's me. Flesh and blood. I'm alive." I must've heard her wrong. I furrowed my brow in confusion, then looked at Sam and Kat. They were holding each other, watching us from a few feet away. Sam nodded, with a big grin on his face. I looked back at Anna. "Huh?" I asked, stupidly. "I saw you die." She nodded and wrapped her arms around my waist, so that she was leaning into me. "I did die. I've been on the other side for I don't even know how long. Ash and Barbie found me. I didn't even know he was dead, but he seemed happy. They took me to the Witches Council that resides there. He begged an audience with them, but he wouldn't tell me why. He spoke to them privately, then they called me in. They questioned me about what happened with Lilith and how I died. I told them everything. Then, they said that Ash had petitioned for my return to the living world. I was shocked. I mean, I already had my second chance at life, right? How could I expect a third? They didn't give me a chance to say or do anything, after they told me. All I know is that there was a really bright golden light that burned all around me. Then, I woke up on this couch about an hour ago." She smiled at me hesitantly after she finished her story. My arms hung limply at my sides, as I stared at her with my mouth hanging open. This didn't make sense. Was I hearing her right? "Dude, will you just kiss her already?" Sam said, laughing. I looked at him, then back to Anna. I closed my mouth and swallowed against the dryness there. "So, you're here? You're really here? You're alive and not just a manifestation?" She nodded, staring up at me. Then, my brain clicked into motion and I didn't waste another second. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her body flush with mine. "Oh!" she exclaimed, in surprise. I captured her lips with my own and relished in the softness they held. I felt her hands tighten in the back of my shirt, so I pulled her even closer and deepened the kiss. My hands traveled to her hair and I buried them in her soft raven locks. My heart was back, shoving that deep sucking hole away. Her lips and tongue moved with mine in perfect sync. I heard Sam clear his throat, but I didn't care. This was where I was supposed to be. I was never going to stop kissing her. "Shh, let them be," I heard Katrina whisper. Damn, I loved that girl. Eventually, I slowed the kiss and pulled away, only to press my lips to hers a few more times. I moved my hands to the sides of her face and stared into her eyes. "I love you," I said, praying with everything that I would be able to look into these emerald eyes until the day I died. "I love you," she replied, with a soft smile. "Told you that you would love the surprise," Sam said. I grinned, feeling elated now, and pulled Anna to my side, so that we were facing Sam. "You sure did," I replied. I glanced at Anna. "And I absolutely am in love with the surprise." She blushed and smiled. "So, you like my surprise I see," Ash said, appearing out of nowhere. "Shit!" I exclaimed, grabbing my chest. "Can you guys PLEASE stop doing that?! I just got Anna back and now you're trying to give me a heart attack." Ash laughed and rolled his eyes at me. 

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