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I had already changed into my black long sleeve button up, with the white barbed wire stripes. That combined with a simple pair of black distressed jeans, and black shoes, and I was almost ready to go. If the girls would ever come out of the bathroom, that is. "Seriously, why does it take them so long? I really need to piss!" Brennen exclaimed, while he bounced from foot to foot. "Female magic, brother. I've already told you," Corey said, concentrating on some game that he was playing on his phone. Both of them were ready to go too, and I had no doubt that Sam and Jake were also ready. Maybe I could go use their bathroom to fix my hair. Just as I stood up to go do that, the bathroom door opened. Kat walked out, and smiled at me. "Gentlemen, may I present to you, Lady Anna," she said, in a fake British accent. "Do you have to make such a big deal about it?" I heard Anna whisper from just inside the bathroom. I chuckled and caught Brennen's eye. "Not much for attention, is she?" he asked, with a grin. I shook my head, and turned my attention back to Katrina. "Will you come on," she hissed, motioning Anna out of the bathroom. Anna stumbled into the room, with Tara behind her. She turned back and glared at Tara, because it was obvious that she had pushed her into the room. Tara grinned and turned her to face me. I sucked in my breath, and felt my heart drop to the floor. "Wow," I breathed out. She was stunning. Like, actually a goddess kind of beautiful. Her hair was pulled up into some kind of braid bun, with some tendrils curling over her cheeks. The white dress that she wore was simple, with the collar around her neck. Her shoulders were bare, but dusted with something that sparkled. My eyes traveled down, over the flowy skirt that ended mid thigh. The leggings. Oh God, the leggings! I clenched my teeth to keep myself from literally moaning. They were a sheer pale black with a silver and white checkered design on them. When she shifted, I could see the shine illuminate the swell of her thighs. Further down, my eyes were met with strappy heels, with a silver strap over her perfectly  manicured toes. Christ, her ankles were even sexy. I took my time, letting my eyes travel over every inch that I could see. When I reached her face again, I noticed that she was watching me. The green of her eyes was enhanced by a swirl of midnight purples and blues. She almost looked drunk when I met her gaze. Her full lips were a deep red, seeming like they were just begging to be kissed. "Come on, twirl," Kat said, taking Anna's hand and twirling her around. Her skirt flared out, showing me where the leggings stopped and her soft skin began. My heart faltered. She was going to kill me. "Hubba hubba," Brennen joked, grabbing a handful of his shirt, over his heart. "Be still my heart." "You look beautiful, Anna," Corey said, then went back to his game. "Thank you," Anna whispered. She smiled at Brennen, then met my gaze again. When her teeth pressed down into her full, red, bottom lip, my stomach clenched. What the hell was happening to me? My mouth was suddenly very dry. I grabbed my water bottle from the little bedside table and chugged it, really quickly. "Well?" Tara asked, putting her hand on her hip. "You gonna just stand there or are you gonna tell your girl how amazing she looks?" "Give me a fucking minute," I croaked out. I cleared my throat, and walked over to Anna. Instead of saying anything, I placed my hands on her waist, and pulled her against me. I let my hands travel around to the small of her back, then lowered my lips to hers. I was going to ease into it, savor the kiss. It didn't happen that way. As soon as our lips touched, electricity shot through me, and I craved her. I craved her more than food, more than drink, more than air. I needed her. It was like my veins were crying out for her. I pressed my fingers into her back, and deepened the kiss. When she melted into me, my body screamed with victory. I wanted to nothing more than to get as close to her as I possibly could. Her arms came around my neck, and her fingers found my hair. She moaned quietly, and tangled them there. "Well then...I think he likes it," I heard Tara say. Tara. Kat. The guys. Damn it. I broke away, but kept my hands pressed into Anna's back. I held her gaze for a long moment, savoring the drunken look in her half hooded eyes. Her heavy breathing matched mine, and her lipstick was slightly smeared. "I think I messed up your lipstick," I whispered, smiling down at her. "You look fantastic. Sexy. Innocent. You're driving me crazy right now." She blushed a little but grinned and bit her bottom lip again. I groaned a little and leaned down to kiss her again. Not a deep one, just my lips against hers for a few seconds. "Okay, alright, break it up," Brennen said. I looked over to see him dancing from foot to foot again. "Or at least, get the fuck out from in front of the bathroom. I need to piss. It's an emergency!" "Oh!" Anna laughed, and started to step away from me. I grabbed her waist tightly, and moved her with me, as I took a few steps back. "Damn it, Colby!" Tara exclaimed, smacking my arm. "Ow! What the fuck?!" I retorted. "You messed up her makeup! Do you know how long that took us? Ugh!" She threw her hands up in exasperation, and let them slam back down onto her legs. "It's just her lipstick. Everything else is perfect!" I exclaimed. "Besides, I kind of like that just kissed look."  "Yeah, you like it all a little too much," Kat added, with a grin. "Maybe don't let your hormones take over until after we get back from the club." "NO!" Corey yelled, finally looking up from his game. "Not even then! Brennen and I have to stay in this room too. No funny business, Mister!" Anna's face turned tomato red. "We wouldn't- I mean, I won't-" she stammered out, then looked at me for help. 

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