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"Your virginity...you said that it's like a gift that you want to give your husband one day. Being forced into this isn't the way that you should have to lose it. It's not fair," I continued. She reached up and placed her hand over mine, then pressed her soft lips against the skin of my palm. "I might die before I get married," she said, holding my gaze. "Even if I don't, I want you to be my first. We may not get married, and we may not last forever, but you mean everything to me right now, in this moment in time. I don't know what the future will hold, or if there will even be a future for me. I missed out on so much. I don't want to miss this chance, too. I want you." I didn't know if my heart was swelling more, or my libido. How was I supposed to say no to that? To her? "Are you sure?" I asked, before licking my lips. My throat was getting dry, with the thought of what she was saying to me. She smiled softly, and nodded. "I'm sure." "This isn't just because of Li- of the Darkness?" I asked. "No, it's not. I made my decision earlier tonight, before I knew about all of this. I mean...I tried to show you," she replied, then ducked her head in embarrassment. "I wasn't sure, at first. I just wanted to be a little more intimate with you...but then I knew. When we were in there and Ash mentioned it, I knew that it was what I wanted. With or without Her. She just gave me...the push that I needed. So, I want to do this for me, but if it helps save everyone then that's just a plus." She leaned into me and wrapped her arms around my waist. When she tilted her head and met my gaze, my heart faltered. "Who else can say that losing their virginity helped saved lives?" she giggled. I gave her a half smile, then leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. "I always told you it should be special," I whispered. "What's more special than that?" She giggled again, then turned her head into my chest. I wrapped my arms around waist, and rested my hands on the small of her back. "If this is what you want, Anna, then I'm more than willing. I promise you that it won't be rushed or hurried. I will treat you like you should be treated. Not even the Darkness can take this from you, from us. I love you," I whispered into her hair. She squeezed her arms tighter around me and sighed. "I love you too." We stayed there for a few more minutes, with me looking out at the water. It was so peaceful out here. The wind blew through the trees, making the leaves whisper to one another and the waters to ripple out towards the moonlight. It was like they were chasing her light, wanting nothing more than to be with her elusive beauty. I could relate. I had almost resigned myself to not even thinking about being completely with Anna. I did love her, and as hard as it was for me, literally, I was resigned to having a lot of cold showers for a long time. I would've made that sacrifice. For her. Now, it seemed like that dream was going to become a reality. I was still uneasy about the way that Anna had come to her decision but I wasn't going to to pretend to know what she should choose. This was, after all, her life. "I guess we should go back in," she murmured against my chest, before pulling back and looking up at me. "Yeah, I guess so," I replied, smiling down at her. She brought her arms around my neck, then stood on her tiptoes. When she pressed her lips to mine, she was timid, at first. I felt the spark that I always did, but it was soft and languid. I moved my lips with hers, letting her control the speed. When she tightened her hands around my neck, and pressed her body against me, I held back a groan. I felt her tongue push against my lips, just a little, asking to go deeper. When I opened to her, she explored, soft and slow, stoking the fire that was starting in my belly. When her teeth nipped at my bottom lip, the flames grew a little more. She pulled back and smiled shyly at me. "You've learned some things," I replied, gruffly. She shrugged one shoulder and giggled. "I had some very interesting conversations with the girls tonight." "Remind to thank them," I said. "You can thank them after I show you the other things," she replied, then winked at me, before pulling back and taking my hand in hers. "Oh?" I exclaimed,  a little surprised by her brazenness. I liked it though. I let her lead me back inside the house and to the living room where the others were. "So, you think they can weaken the connection with the others and transfer their energy to the themselves, without harming them?" Sam was asking Ash. He was leaning forwards on the couch, a look of intense concentration on his face. Ash nodded. "I believe so. I'm not a very skilled witch, but I know my way around. I like to mix and match spells to see what I can come up with. Most covens don't agree with that, because of people like...well, the Darkness. Mixing spells can come with costly consequences, threefold. That's why I only mess with light spells. That being said, I happen to be a collector of old texts that contain some of the oldest spells and the history of our kind. Most don't consider me an actual witch, because I'm a Dream Walker. It's a different kind of magic, a deeper magic. Very easy to misuse. The coven has always kept a close watch on me, because of it." "Are you part of the coven?" Sam asked. Anna and I took our seats on the couch, without interrupting. Sam nodded at me, then went back to his conversation. "I was, at one time. Not this coven. This coven is THE Coven. The oldest one that exists today, in the United States. It's like the great-great grandmother of the other covens. Amethyst is a legacy and automatically entered into it. She chose to practice on her own, but still remains tied to them. I'm just a bystander. An outcast, really, who they like to 'hire' on occasion," he replied. "I left my coven when they insisted that I conform to their ways. I'm not much for rules." 

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