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Sam shook his head and clapped his hand on my shoulder. "If that happens, I'll bring you back. I promise. Nothing can break our bond remember? We're stronger than whatever she can throw at us." Ash nodded his head again. "You'll also have the bond with these two beautiful ladies. Anna, I know that I should have already told you, but I will need you in this fight. Katrina, we only just met, but if you choose to join this battle, we would greatly appreciate it. Your bond with both of these men will be an asset." Kat didn't say anything, but her eyes grew wide. "You don't have too, Katrina," Sam said, turning his attention to her. "I don't want you in harms way. You should just go back to the hotel, or to one of your friend's homes. I can call you when it's over." She met his gaze with her wide, frightened eyes, then shook her head. "No," she murmured. "I want to help. I can't leave you to do this, when I know that I can help." "You shouldn't know that," Sam replied, looking over and glaring at Ash. Ash just shrugged, like he was saying "oopsie." "I'm sure that Colby and I will fine without you having to be there, babe. Please. I don't know if I'll be able to do this, knowing that you will be in danger." "Actually," Ash interjected, holding his finger up. Sam turned to glare at him again, daring him to say something. Ash pretended not to notice the fact that Sam was close to murdering him and continued. "Feeling that connection with Katrina, worrying for her safety, feeling your love for her, will help a lot. It's the strength of the bonds that will help us overcome the Darkness. If you're scared or worried, the bond becomes stronger." Sam looked like he wanted to crack Ash's jaw, at this point. "Okay, that's up to both Katrina, Sam, and Anna, on whether or not they want to agree to this. I'm in. I'll do what I can. If I happen to throw up in the Darkness's face, well, I tried to warn you," I joked, trying to change the subject. I was actually worried that Sam was about to jump up and lay Ash out. "I want to help," Katrina said, so quietly that I wasn't sure that I had heard correctly. "Kat, no, I-" Sam started, but she cut him off with a glare of her own. "This is my life, Samuel John Golbach, and you don't get to tell me what to do. How do think it will make me feel, having you drop me off somewhere you consider safe, then watch you go back towards what might be your death? If you die, I'll always have that 'what if' hanging over my head. What if I had been there? Would it have saved you? I would never forgive myself. Is that the fate you want me to have?" Oh, she was good. I could see the guilt trip was working by the look on Sam's face. I didn't try to argue with Anna, one way or another. I had already accepted the fact that she had to help..even if I didn't want her too, but I had meant what I said. It wasn't my choice to make. It was hers and she had a lot of trauma invested in this bitch. "No, Kat, of course not! But nothing is going to happen to me. I promise you-" "Sam, shut up!" she shrieked, standing to her feet. "I'm going to be there and there's nothing you can say or do to change my mind! Would you leave me to fight this on my own? Would you go somewhere safe, while I risked my life?" She put her hands on her hips and started to tap her foot. Oh, shit. "No, I would be with you, but it's different!" he exclaimed, standing up in front of her. "Why?" she asked, flipping her hair back. "Why, Sam? Because I'm a girl? Hmm, is that it? You think that a big strong man has to take care of things, while the little woman sits at home and waits for him to return? Because, if that's the case, then FUCK YOU!" She was actually screaming by now, with tears streaming down her face. I didn't know if they were from anger, or what though. I saw it in his face when his resolve faltered. He tried to bring her in for a hug but she pushed him away. "No, don't TOUCH me!" she demanded, and turned her back on him. I couldn't remember the last time I had seen them argue this vehemently. He tried again to pull her to him and this time, she didn't struggle as much. "I'm sorry," he said, holding her tightly to him. I could hear her broken breaths, as her sobs started to get stronger. "I'm so sorry, Katrina. I understand. I'm just scared to lose you." She leaned back, then smacked him in his shoulder, hard. "OUCH, what the hell?!" he asked, still holding on to her. "Damn you for making me cry, Sam," she sobbed out. "Colby," I heard Anna whisper, drawing my attention away from them. I looked over to her frightened gaze. "Yeah? What's wrong?" I asked. "I want to help. I need too," she replied, biting her lip. I couldn't tell if she was nervous of what she thought my reaction would be, or just for what was to come. "I know," I sighed, then took her hand. "That's why I didn't say anything. I assumed that you would want to help. You owe the bitch a lot of heartache. I didn't want to make that decision for you...no matter how much I'd prefer you to not be there." She gave me a timid smile, then leaned forwards to press her lips gently to mine. "This is part of why I love you. Thank you," she breathed, when she pulled back. "Okay, are we done? Do you all have things figured out? Because, we're running out of time here and we have a lot of work to do," Ash begged. "Yeah, we're good," I replied, then looked at Sam and Kat for confirmation. They nodded and sat back down. "Yeah, we're good," Sam echoed. "Great. Then let's get started," Ash replied, rubbing his hands together. "The protection spells will be cast first. The Coven will draw on your energies, your bond, to strengthen them. Then, they'll move on to preparing the attack spells. These too, will be made using the strength of your bonds. The spell to summon her will be last. Before we do that, Anna and I will call on our own resources." "Um, what does that mean, exactly?" Anna asked, raising her hand, like she was in class. 

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