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She slowly sank back down onto my lap, and placed her hands on my chest to steady herself. She kept her soft lips locked onto mine, but I felt her hands start to trail down my chest. If I could've sucked in a breath of shock, I would've. She found the bottom of my shirt and lifted it, before placing her hands on my lower abdomen. I couldn't take much more of this. Wasn't there something important that I was forgetting? For the life of me, I couldn't remember what it was. I was too...distracted. She moved her lips away from mine and back to my my neck. I leaned my head back and desperately tried to think about baseball. It wasn't working. Her soft fingertips started trailing up my stomach, with her nails lightly scratching my skin. Seriously, what in the HELL had gotten into her? I didn't really understand what was happening. Anna basically jumped me, and didn't even care that Sam was in the car! I wasn't complaining though! I moved my hands around to her back, ready to start my own assault on her neck, when there was a knock on my window. How the fuck did someone knock when we were riding down the road? "Yo, we're home. Sorry to break up the party but we've got serious shit to figure out," Sam yelled. "No fucking way," I muttered, under my breath. He had stopped the car and gotten out, without me even noticing. Anna still hadn't noticed, or so I was guessing by the way her teeth kept grazing my throat. "We're home," I said. My voice was raspy, so I cleared my throat. "We're home," I tried again, and patted her hip. "Hmm," she murmured, still involved in what she was doing to me. "COLBY!" Sam yelled, again. "Impending doom for all of us here! Can you hurry the fuck up?!" Impending doom? "Oh, shit!" I exclaimed, pushing Anna back a little so that my mind could clear. "What's wrong?" she asked. God, she was sexy. Her eyes were hooded over and her lips were swollen just a little. Her shirt had shifted down on her shoulders, making the neckline plunge a little more into her cleavage. "Huh?" I asked, momentarily stupefied. "You sounded like something was wrong," she said, then looked around confused. "When did we stop moving?" I would've laughed if we weren't all about to die. "Come on, we have to go in. There's something very important to talk about, and I don't want to do it in the car," I said, softly. I wanted nothing more than to keep doing what we were doing in the car, but that would have to wait. She leaned into me again, and pressed her lips to mine, before swiping her tongue over my bottom lip. She tasted like strawberries. "Have you been drinking?" I asked again. "No!" she exclaimed, then blushed. "Well, maybe a little but not much. Like 4 wine coolers. They're pretty good." I smiled and shook my head. Might not have been much but a liquid courage had definitely been injected into her system. The door jerked open and Sam stuck his head inside the car. "Get the fuck out. Now," he demanded. "We're coming," I sighed. "Sorry Sam," Anna replied, then started crawling off of me. "Oof," I breathed out when her leg brushed against a very sensitive area. "Sorry buddy," I murmured. "Did you say something?" Anna asked, when she got her footing outside. "No," I answered, shaking my head. "Just talking to myself." I followed her out of the car and we all started towards the house. It felt like the air got heavier. Like, as soon as we entered the house, there was no going back. The danger was real again and we couldn't escape it. I took Anna's hand in mine, and crossed the threshold into our home. The house was quiet, so I wasn't sure that anyone was here. You would think that it would be strange having people come and go in your home, but I was used to it by now. That's why my room was my safe place. "Maybe we should go upstairs," I suggested. "Just in case anyone comes over." "Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Not sure how we can explain all of this to the others. Besides Katrina," Sam replied. "Explain what?" Anna asked, exasperatedly. "Tell you upstairs," I said. She let out a "humph" but let me guide her up the stairs and into my room. We all took a seat on the couch and Anna looked at us expectantly. I sighed. This was not a conversation that I wanted to have. "Well?" she asked, waving her hands to signal that we should get on with it. "Colby?" Sam said, looking to see if I wanted to start. I didn't, but I guess I had too. "Anna, we went to meet Amethyst tonight. Do you remember her?" I asked. She chewed the corner of her bottom lip and furrowed her brow in thought. "Um...the one that set you up with that guy Ash, right? The one that gave you the jewelry," she replied. "Yeah, that's the one. You know she's a witch," I continued. She nodded. "Why did you go see her? Is everything...okay?" Fear seeped into her expression but she tried to hide it. I knew how terrified of Lilith she was. That was part of the reason that I hated to have this conversation. "Because she called and asked me. Basically, the Darkness found her." I heard her sharp intake of breath. "Is she okay?" she gasped out.  I nodded quickly. "Yes. She's fine, for now. We aren't sure how long that might be for though. The big bad put a mark on her so that she could track her. She's doing some kind of spellwork that makes it take longer for her to get a mark on her but it won't last forever. The point is..." I took a deep breath and scrubbed my face with my hands. This was harder to do than I thought it would be. I should just say it. But, I couldn't seem to find the right words, or to force those words out of my mouth. "The point is," I continued. "that she's looking for you. The connection between you two isn't broken. She could be spying on us right now, using you, for all we know."

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