164 Anna's POV

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry it's been a few days since I've posted. I came down with a bad stomach virus and it was hell. I'm still a little sick but felt well enough to write a little. Please, don't hate me too much after this chapter lol. Just remember that this isn't the end of the story yet. Please, just keep reading. Don't forget to comment and vote please! Thank you, love you ALWAYS

He was alive. Which meant that Sam and Kat probably were too. "Oh, don't be too happy, Love," Lilith replied, noticing my reaction. "They'll be dead soon...but so will you, so it won't matter." She laughed, letting out a loud peal of laughter and shook her head. "I don't know why more people don't get my jokes. I'm hilarious," she said, smiling at me. "Just take me," I said, holding my hands up in surrender. "Take me and leave them alone. Please. I'll do whatever you want." "ANNA, NO!" Colby screamed, from his spot on the dusty, mulch covered ground. "Shut up, Colby," I replied, keeping my eyes on Lilith. "You're not doing this! You're not sacrificing y-" His mouth clamped shut and his eyes flew around wildly. "Shut up and be a good boy, like Anna said," Lilith said, before patting him on the head, like he was a fucking dog. Hate and anger threatened to boil out of me, but I held it in. "I'll do whatever you want. Be whatever you want. Just, please, let them go. If you plan on ending the world, does it really matter if they live a little while longer?" I asked, letting my desperation come through in my voice. I didn't really care anymore. She had won. I glanced over to Ash and the witches, and gasped with what I saw. They were almost all dead. I guess they could've been unconscious, but there was just something final in the way their bodies were splayed across the forest ground. I saw Ash kneeling over one of them, with Barbie by his side. He crossed fallen witch's arms over her chest and murmured something, before looking up and meeting my gaze. "Hmmm," Lilith mused, drawing my attention back to her. The look in her eyes told me that she knew that she had won and it did nothing to help the despair that was rising up inside of me. She stepped closer to me, so that we were barely a breath apart, and scraped her nail down my cheek. I winced at the sting of it and felt the blood trickle down my face. "I don't know that I want you anymore. You don't seem to stay under my control. Probably because you aren't pure any longer. You became this one's whore. I can smell him on you." She emphasized her words with another sharp kick to Colby's ribs. I bit my lip and felt a tear escape my eye, when he let out another pained groan. "Please stop," I whispered, staring down at Colby. "I'll do anything." "Anything?" she asked, shoving him away with her foot. I watched him roll a few feet away, then stop with his face towards me. His eyes fluttered open, but closed again pretty quickly. "Anna." Someone spoke my name. A man's voice. A familiar man's voice. I glanced around, wondering why Lilith hadn't said anything about it. "If you'll do anything, then...kill them." Her words had my eyes shooting straight back to her face. She smiled, if you could call it that. Her lips split her face wide, with her teeth almost seeming to sharpen the longer I looked. There was an evil glint to her eyes, as I watched them flash from blue, to red, to black, then back to blue. "Anna, I need you to listen. Don't let her know that you can hear me. Just listen." Ash! It was Ash's voice in my head. "W-what?" I stammered, trying to keep my attention on both her and Ash's voice. "Kill them," she said again, motioning towards Sam and Kat. "If you'll do anything for him, then kill them. I'll let you both live and serve under me." She looked over to Colby and pursed her lips. "Although, I really do like the look of him. He's an excellent kisser, you know." She looked back at me and let out a peal of laughter, as the bile rose in my throat. "Of course you know. Yes, I think I'll keep him as my personal servant. To aid me in my more, hm, personal needs." "Need you to get her turned around Anna. We need her back. Barbie and I are going to unleash a spirit bomb," Ash's voice sounded in my head. "You can't!" I exclaimed. I wasn't sure who I was talking too. My reply could work for either of them, or both of them. Ash had told me what a spirit bomb was and what it would do. It was a collection of many spirits, combined together until they no longer had separate identities. This collection, depending on how many spirits were combined, could be turned into a very powerful type of mystical bomb. It might be able to kill Lilith, but it would also destroy all of the spirits, and anyone else that was in a 50 foot radius of where it was detonated. That meant that I would die. Worse, it meant that Sam and Kat would die. It meant that Colby would die. No. I felt hatred, anger, and determination, taking the place of the despair that I had let in earlier. "Oh, but I can," Lilith said slyly, thinking that I was answering her. I guess I was. "I can do whatever I want. If you want him to live, then you'll kill them and become my personal servants. Those are your terms." "Anna, move her. Get her to turn away from us." "I can't," I replied to Ash. To Lilith. I shook my head and felt tears of frustration start trailing down my cheeks. "You have too!" Ash yelled inside my head. I clamped my hands over my ears and backed away from Lilith, shaking my head. "NO!" I yelled. "Then I'll KILL YOU ALL!" She screamed and lifted her hands, aiming them at my love, at my friends. It was like everything was happening in slow motion. Sparks gathered at the ends of her fingertips, then grew into lightning strikes, as she turned her back fully to Ash. "NOOO!" I screamed. I didn't know what to do, but apparently my body did. I knew what I was giving up and what the consequences would be. I still did it. I lept in between Lilith's hands and my friends, then threw my own hands up. I didn't know what I was doing or where the power was coming from. I just reacted. Something, some incredible force of power, poured out of my hands and circled the people that I loved, protecting them. Just as I felt my soul being ripped from my body, I saw the bright glow of the bomb that Ash had sent in my peripheral vision. God, please protect them. 

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