60 Anna's POV

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I dragged the little tank top and shorts on, before looking at my reflection again. The tank top was a little short, above my navel, but the shorts were insanely short! If I moved the wrong way, I was terrified that my ass cheek would fall out of them. Was that possible? Could an ass cheek fall out of your shorts? I pulled them down a little in the back, but it didn't help all that much. Oh well. This is what I had to work with. After blow drying my hair, I steeled myself, grabbed my things, and walked out of the bathroom. Colby was still lying on the bed, shirtless, with all of the lingerie piled at his feet. He was watching TV, lying back with one arm under his head, and the remote in his other hand. He glanced up when I walked into the room, and his eyes narrowed a little, as they scanned over my body. I felt naked, under his intense gaze. "Hi," I said softly, and walked towards him. "Hey," he replied, his voice low. "Did you order some food?" I asked. His eyes followed me, as I scooped up all of the lingerie and tossed it in the corner of the room until the morning. He nodded. "I did. I waited a little while, so that it would be hot when you got out. You know, I really like that outfit on you. Maybe more than these other things. That just...suits you." His eyes glided over my skin, like melted butter on a hot day. I could almost feel his gaze like fingertips caressing me. I climbed into the bed, beside him, and turned sideways, crossing my legs. The tiny shorts inched as high as they could go, giving me the urge to pull the blanket over me. His eyes shot in between my legs, then back to my face so fast, I wasn't even sure that it had happened. I cleared my throat and looked down at my fingers. The pretty nails still looked great, but if I kept picking at them like this, they would be trashed before long. "What did you order?" I asked, doing my best to keep the shakiness from my voice. Somehow, I never felt more nervous or more safe than I did, when I was with Colby. It was a contradictory. "A lot of different stuff. Sushi. Cheeseburgers, turkey sandwiches, fries, and a couple of different desserts. I don't remember now. I just started calling things off of the menu," he replied, shrugging. "But won't that be too much?" I asked, looking back up at him, my eyes wide. "We can't possibly eat all of that. I know it had to cost so much." He cocked an eyebrow at me and grinned. "First, I've seen you eat. I have confidence that most of the food will be eaten." "Shut UP!" I exclaimed, and swatted his leg. He chuckled and continued. "Second, stop worrying about the money. I have money, Anna. I know how to keep my expenses in check." My fingers found a loose thread coming from his jeans, so I started twirling it around the tip of my finger, making it purple. "I can't help worrying," I replied, softly. "I'm not contributing. You're buying all of these things for me, and paying for plane tickets and hotel rooms and amazing little 80's themed cafes! I don't deserve all of that. I have never had anyone support me before except for my parents. I got a job when I turned 16 and helped them out any way that I could, even though they didn't need me too. I guess I've just always been taught to support myself, if I can. To do anything possible to not depend on others for what I can do myself." He pulled the thread from around my finger and laced his fingers through mine. "If that's what you want to do, when we get back home and settled, then I'll help you find a job. I'll even let you pay rent, if you want," he replied, cracking a smile. I was about to ask him if he thought that living together was a good idea, or were we moving too fast, but a knock on the door interrupted me. "It's probably the room service," he said, sitting up slowly. "No, you stay still. I'll get it," I said hurriedly, and jumped out of the bed. When I opened the door, there were two guys each pushing a cart full of food. I stepped back and held the door for them to enter. "Wow," I murmured when they walked past me. The smells of all the different dishes were melding together, making this weird, but mouthwatering, scent. "Will there be anything else?" one of the guys asked, looking from me to Colby. Colby shook his head. "No, that's all. Wait, on second thought. Drinks. Can you guys bring us some drinks?" he asked, holding out some money to the guy. Was that fifty dollar bill?! That was an impressive tip! The guy took it from him, slid it into his pocket and nodded. "Certainly. What would you like?" he asked. Colby looked at me, but I just shrugged. He sighed and looked back at the guy. "Just grab a few different sodas and...a bottle of strawberry champagne," he added, on second thought. The guy nodded again. "Yes sir. I'll return shortly with your drinks." He walked out with the other guy behind him. I pushed the carts closer to Colby's side of the bed, then sat on the edge. "This all looks amazing," I replied, taking in all of the food. I didn't know what to choose! There were just too many options. "Just take a bite of everything," Colby said, drawing my attention away from the food. "That way, you can taste it all and won't get full before you've done so." He leaned up a little and grabbed one of the small saucers of sushi with a dipping sauce beside it. I had never been a big fan of sushi, but watching him take that first bite felt almost sinful. His eyes closed and his head drifted back just a little, as he let out a small moan. "Oh ma God, that's good,"  he replied. I decided to do what he had suggested, and just started picking things up so that  I could take one lonesome bite from everything. I even tried the sushi when Colby held it up to my mouth. It wasn't bad. I had Root Beer to drink at first, but it wasn't long before Colby popped open the bottle of champagne that was on ice. He poured the bubbly pink liquid into a champagne flute and passed it to me. I held it by the stem, awkwardly. 

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