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Sam and I exchanged a glance and smiled. We weren't really much for rules, either. "So, you have a spell or something that you are going to give to the coven to help?" I asked, still unclear as to what we had missed. He nodded. "I found it while I was waiting on you two to arrive. I'll have to change it a little, combine it with a couple of other spells, but I think it can be done. Hopefully, they can do it without her knowing, effectively weakening her, before they strike. Although," he paused. "Although what?" I asked, when he didn't continue. "Although, it won't matter much if she still has her connection with Anna. Anna's soul is one of immense strength, which is part of the reason that She chose to keep her around for so long. From what I gathered, she was being treated differently at the hospital wing? Different connections and so forth?" I nodded. "Yeah, most of them looked like they were just being drained. Anna was having her blood taken, but then she was also being transfused at the same time. But what does that mean?" "I can't be sure, but I can tell you what I think," he replied. "There is something special about Anna. Something that connects her to the spirit realm, just like myself. I didn't claim my gift until I had a near death experience. I was born with it, but it did not reveal itself until I had my own connection with the other side. I believe that this is what has happened to Anna. Her soul, or spirit, is stronger than the rest because she is a Dream Walker, or what some call a Medium. She can connect to the spirit realm, without trying. Those spirits seek her out, because they know that she can help them." "Whaaat?" Anna breathed out. "What does that even mean? Help them how?" "You can help them move on," he replied, simply. Anna looked like his explanation was anything but simple. "But, how am I supposed to do that? I didn't even know how to help myself!" He waved his hand back and forth to dismiss her concerns. "This isn't something that you need to worry about right now. There are greater issues. Once all of this is over, and you still wish to know, then I can help you learn. Okay?" She took a deep breath and looked at me. I gave her a small smile and squeezed her hand. She looked back at Ash and nodded. "So, what's our role in all of this?" Sam asked. "Nothing...yet. Whatever Anna chooses to do about her...connection is her business. There is nothing that can be done by you guys, yet. The Coven will let us know if they need anything else from us. Until then, live your life, but be aware. We don't know when She may strike. If she does, there isn't much that we can do. I would suggest staying somewhere that she is unfamiliar with, just in case," Ash replied. "I will do what I can and keep you updated. Now, if you don't have any further questions, I'll see you out. I should get started on that spell and converse with the Coven on our next action." He stood, so we all did too. We followed him to the door, and he held it open for us. "Thanks for your help, Ash. We really appreciate it," Sam said, clasping his hand. "Of course. If you need anything, you have my number. Remember, be aware and be careful. Stay safe gentlemen." He nodded at Anna and smiled. "And you, sweet Anna. Don't worry. We are all fighting for you and for us. Keep your friends strength inside of you." He took her hand and kissed it, before ushering us out. We walked back to the car slowly, all of us in our own thoughts. Sam passed me the keys and I climbed into the driver's seat. I was surprised when Anna sat in the back again. Sam took the passenger seat and leaned his head back. Once I made my way back to an actual road, and headed towards home, he spoke up. "He said that we shouldn't stay somewhere that she would expect. So, that means that we shouldn't stay at home. Where are we gonna stay?" he asked. "I don't know," I replied, honestly. "I think that Anna and I should stay somewhere away from you and the others for a little while though." He sighed and looked at me, angrily. "Colby, don't start that shit again. I already told you, you aren't-" "I'm not trying to face her on my own, Sam," I cut him off. Anna and I need to be alone for a while. Honestly, I think that it will confuse the Darkness a little more if we are all separated. I know that she will be able to track Anna eventually, but I'm hoping that won't be a problem for too much longer." I glanced in the rearview and caught Anna's eye. She gave me a small smile and I could see the slight blush that crept into her cheeks, even in the dim lighting that was in the car. "Ooohh," Sam replied, quietly, and cleared his throat. "I guess we can always just get a couple of rooms at different hotels. That would work and we wouldn't be too far apart." I nodded. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea. We would be around other people, but also have our privacy. Kat gonna stay with you? She knows about Anna, so she probably should." He looked at me and quirked his lips up. "In the words of Anna, DUH," he replied. She started to giggle and I let out a chuckle myself. "Okay, so we go home, pack a bag and head out. You should go ahead and let Kat know, so she can be ready." He nodded and pulled out his phone. "Hey baby, listen," he started, when she answered the call. I let my mind drift, while I drove down the dark highway. Anna had said that she wanted this. That she wanted me to be her first. Even though I wished that it wasn't being done under duress, I had to admit that the anticipation was driving me crazy. I couldn't stop thinking about what her body would feel like under mine. My mind flashed back to the few times that we had gotten a little heated. Even when I was convinced that she hadn't been the one pulling the strings, it was still prominent in my mind. 

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