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"He's supposed to call me back soon, actually," I replied. "Oh yeah?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. I nodded. "Yeah. I called to find out what we were supposed to do. You know, whenever this all goes down. So that we can maybe be ready." He sighed and looked me in the eyes. "I have a feeling that we will never be ready for whatever is headed our way," he said. "That's probably true, but at least we can have an idea of what is expected of us. I don't know, man. I just wanted to know. I need to know," I replied. He nodded, understanding what I meant. "Should we go back in?" he asked, motioning his head towards the room. I sighed. "Yeah, I guess so." I slid the door open and walked back into the room, with Sam behind me. Anna was sitting up in bed, with the blanket still pulled up to her waist. She gave me a sleepy smile and ran her hand through her messy hair. She had never looked so beautiful. I walked over to her and leaned down to press my lips gently to hers. "Good morning," I said, smiling at her when I pulled away. She looked up at me and bit her bottom lip, with a small grin. "Good morning," she replied, quietly. "What do you say to a day of doing absolutely nothing?" I asked. She lowered her head and looked up at me through her lashes. "I don't know. I can think of a few things that we could do," she said. My eyes widened in surprise. "Really now?" I responded, feeling that familiar coil in my belly. She just giggled and looked away. This coy, flirty Anna was really something else. "Oh my God, that actually sounds amazing," I heard Kat say. "Do you guys want to join us?" she asked, looking over at Anna and I. "Join you for what?" Anna asked, before I could decline. I knew that Sam wanted a day with Kat, just them, and I had kind of been hoping for the same thing with Anna. "Sam's gonna take me to the beach. I feel like it's been forever since I've been," Kat replied. Anna looked back at me, questioningly. She looked hopeful, so I couldn't deny her. I sighed and nodded my head. "I guess it'll be the four of us then," Sam said, giving me a look. I shrugged and lifted my hands a little. What did he expect me to do? Tell her no? He would've done the same thing. Besides, the beach was a big place. We could find some time alone and so could they. "It's settled then," I said. "Do we plan on swimming? Cuz we'll have to stop by somewhere and let me grab some shorts." "Duh," Kat replied and rolled her eyes, good naturedly. "I don't have a suit with me either," Anna said. "We don't either. Guess we'll all have to grab one. So, let's go!" Kat replied, jumping to her feet. The next hour was filled with quick showers, fun arguments about where to go or who was next to shower, and even had me running around the room chasing Anna because she had stolen my shampoo. I grabbed her around the waist, laughing and fell onto the bed. She reached her arm above her head, with my shampoo in hand, but my arms were longer than hers. I pinned her down and grabbed the bottle from her hand. "No fair!" she pouted, humor dancing in her eyes. I laughed and leaned down to place a loud, smacking kiss to her lips. "When did I ever claim to fight fair?" I asked, still straddling her waist. She rolled her eyes, then shocked the shit out of me when she bucked her hips up. I narrowed my eyes at her, knowing that she could see the fire that she had just ignited. I got the satisfaction of watching her gulp, as the blush rose to her cheeks. "You guys ready? Or you want to stay here and finish whatever it is that you're doing?" Sam asked. I glanced over at him at grinned. Nice try, buddy. "We're ready," Anna said, struggling to sit up. I moved and stood up off of the bed, then offered her my hand. We went to several different stores, before we found one where the girls actually liked the selection of swimsuits that were offered. "Oooo, I'm gonna try these three on," Kat said, stacking the suits on her fingers. "Here, you should definitely try this one. The green will go amazing with your eyes. Also, I kind of hate you for those eyes," she told Anna, while handing her the skimpy green suit. I could only hope that she would choose that one. She picked out a couple of her own, a yellow one piece with an open, criss cross midriff, and a white two piece that had small flowers embroidered on it. She and Kat left us to go to the dressing room. Sam and I walked over to the men's suits and started thumbing through them. Didn't really matter which one we got, just as long as it fit. "Sorry for intruding on your day," I said, holding up a green pair of swim trunks. They would match Anna's suit, if she chose the green one. "It's fine. The beach is a big place. Honestly, I think that I'd rather have you there anyway. You know, if this is our last day," he replied. I smiled to myself and nodded. If we had to go, then it only made sense that we were together on our last day. He picked out a pale yellow pair of swim trunks and held them up to look at. They would go good with his hair. I shook my head slightly at the thought. Maybe I was hanging out with girls entirely too much. Then again, our image was part of our brand. "You should try these," he said, handing me a pair of light blue shorts, with green stripes on them. Huh...I actually really liked them. I took them from him and picked up the yellow pair that he had put back. "Get these," I said, then threw the blue ones in the cart. He chuckled and tossed the yellow ones in behind me. "Should we walk over to the dressing rooms?" he asked. I laughed. "I'm sure we still have plenty of time, but why not?" I replied. We ended up tossing a beach ball, that we randomly found, back and forth while we waited. Sam tossed it to me and I hit it with the heel of my hand, hard. It bounced past him and out into the store, before bouncing off of a mannequin. It wobbled, while Sam and I held our breaths. 

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