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"I need you to hurry up. I need my girlfriend! Anna and Colby are being all mushy!" he whined. Kat's laughter rang out. "Oh stop, you big baby!" she exclaimed. "Colby has had to watch us be all mushy for years now. I think you can deal with it for a little while." Sam huffed out a breath and glanced back at me. "Fine," he replied. "But I'm not happy about it." Kat laughed again and opened the door. She stuck her head out and smiled at me, before she met Sam's gaze. "I'll be out in a few, then Anna can shower. Colby can watch us be all mushy, okay?" she replied. Sam's face split into a grin. "Okay. Need me to come in and help you hurry up?" he asked, leaning against the wall beside the door. "Uhn uh, nope, no one will get a shower if you come in here. Keep your hands to yourself," she replied, then shut the door in his face. His mouth fell open in shock. "That was mean!" he yelled at the door. I heard Kat laugh again and shook my head. We were all in really good moods, which was weird, if you really thought about it. There was a possibility that we would all be dead in a few hours. Why were we happy? I guess we were just really trying to forget about that and enjoy the time we knew we had. I prayed with everything in me that we would have plenty of time for moments like these. Anna looked up at me and placed her hand on my cheek. "What are you thinking about?" she asked, softly. I stared down into those emerald green eyes that had stolen my heart the very first time that I had seen them inside of a doll. "You," I replied, then pressed my lips to hers gently. "Spending time with you. Having adventures with you and my friends. Making a life together." A sad smile crossed her face and I knew what she was thinking. We probably wouldn't get that chance. "I love you," she whispered, then ducked her head into my chest. "I love you," I replied, and held her closer to my chest. We eventually all got our showers out of the way, even though Sam and I had to wait a while for the water to get hot again. The girls had used every bit of it. "Okay, I'm actually kinda tired and we're running out of time," I said, lazily falling down onto the bed. My hair left a wet patch on my pillow. I was tired that I didn't even bother blow drying or straightening it. Who cared what I looked like going into battle? I smirked at my own thoughts. That sounded so insane. "Ye-yeah," Anna yawned and lay back with me. "Nap time sounds good to me," Sam replied, running a towel through his own wet hair. "Mmhmm," Kat murmured from the other bed, with her eyes already closed. "Alright, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite," I joked, before I closed my eyes. In all honesty, I was extremely sleepy, but I wasn't sure that I could sleep. I guess impending doom would do that to you. But with Anna's warm body curled up next to mine and her head on my chest, I managed to drift off into dreamland. I know that you supposedly dream every night, even if you don't remember it, but I swear that I didn't. I was just dead to the world, in complete darkness and silence. A peaceful sleep, surprisingly. The most annoying sound in the world brought me back to reality. "Cut that damn thing off," I grumbled and buried my head into my pillow, willing sleep to take me again. The alarm cut off and I heard some movement, but there was no way that I was getting up right then. It was too early. I felt like I hadn't slept at all. I heard Sam yawn loudly. "Go-gotta get up," he said. "Noooo," Anna murmured, with her lips close to my bare chest. "Gotta go fight," Sam mumbled. I opened my eyes and lifted my head at those words. "Shit," I murmured. We had to get up. It was time and I was terrified. I had momentarily forgotten what we were supposed to be getting up to do. Sam rolled over and sat up, then ran his hands through his messy blonde hair. "Come on guys. We have to eat something and head back to Ash's. It's already 9," he said, catching my eye. We both looked at our girls and back at each other. We nodded slightly. Sometimes we knew what the other was thinking without even trying, and right then we were thinking the same thing. We protect the women that we loved, no matter what. We all managed to crawl out of bed and get dressed for what was to come. It didn't matter what we wore, so we decided to be comfortable and threw on some sweats. Couldn't be fighting in skinny jeans. Sam ordered and fruit and vegetable tray with a side of sliced meat and cheese. Kat and Anna tore into it, but Sam and I only nibbled at it. That lead weight was settling in my stomach again, making me feel sick. Once everyone was finished, we sat in silence for a while, with Anna in my lap, and Kat next to Sam with her legs thrown across his lap. "I guess this is it," I said quietly, looking around at the people that I loved. It wasn't everyone though and I knew that I would never get the chance to see them again or say goodbye, if this didn't go the right way. "Mom, Dad, Gage, I love you. Please be safe," I prayed silently. "I want you guys to know that I love you. No matter what happens tonight, we are all here for each other. We aren't doing this alone," Sam said, pulling Katrina into his arms. We all said our murmured 'I love you's,' then stood up to leave. "Why does this feel so final?" Kat asked, looking around at the hotel room one more time. "I wish that I could see Kiwi." Kiwi was Katrina's dog that Sam had gotten her for her birthday a few years back. When she mentioned the dog, my thoughts flew to my own dogs that I had growing up. Koki and Foxy. I wouldn't get to ever see them again either, if I didn't make it through this. And what was going to happen to the world, if we didn't make it? What would happen to our friends and family? I shook the dire thoughts from my mind and took Anna's hand in mine. "You'll get to see her when this is over," I promised her. 

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