59 Anna's POV

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I hadn't paid too much attention to my dirty ripped clothes, because I had been having fun, and I had been worried about Colby. Now, as I took them off, I started to shake when I looked at them. I remembered the man's callous hand on my thigh, pushing my dress up. I remembered the sound of the fabric ripping away from the collar. The way that I had tried to hold it up, but the man had yanked it down and grabbed my breast. I hadn't told anyone about that. Or about how he managed to get his hand inside my underwear. Thankfully, Colby had rammed into him before he could do anything, but the possibility of what could've happened...I had never experienced anything like that. Tears started to stream silently down my face. I sank down to the floor, in just my underwear, with the torn dress in my hands. The shaking intensified as the reality of what could've been hit me. Not only could he, or they, have violated me, but they could've done the same to the other girls. My friends. They could've hurt Sam, Brennen, Corey, or Jake. They could've killed Colby. They almost did. If that knife had hit in a different spot, then he wouldn't be here with me right now. The anger of that overtook the fright that was still in me. The nasty, solidifying POP that I had heard when I rammed my knee as hard as I could into his family jewels resounded in my mind. It was satisfying, but not nearly enough. I wanted to hurt him, tear him apart, limb from limb, and send his filthy black soul straight to Lilith. Lilith. I hadn't thought of her in a while. I shook my head, to clear it, and got up from the cold tile floor. I had to take a shower. Rinse the awful parts of this night off of me. After I figured out how the water temperature worked, I climbed under the hot beating spray. As I ran shampoo through my hair, I thought about the rest of the night. It hadn't been bad at all. If I took out the fight and Colby getting hurt, the night had been wonderful. Fun. I had never really been drunk before, so it was new. I had felt free, in a way. Not hindered by worrying about what people thought of me, or how I was supposed to act. Not something that I wanted to do all the time, but occasionally it would be fun to let loose with people that I trusted. Dancing with Colby had been fun, even if I had no clue how to do half of the dance moves that the others were doing. I tried though. I hadn't been afraid to look stupid and try. When I danced in the room with Brennen, I had just tried to mimic the others. Of course, they had been dancing with their boyfriends, so I had to make it non-sexual. Brennen laughed a lot and he was fun. He made it easy to just goof around. Then talking with Colby about sex. That had even been somewhat enjoyable. Highly embarrassing, but still. I got to spend time alone with him, just talking. I had been back in the real world for two days. Two days that had just been non stop going and doing. It was nice to relax for a short time. This time period that I had come back to was strange. People would talk to their phones, instead of people on their phones. The phones were slightly bigger in size, but much thinner than even the handheld games that I use to play. The cars could tell you how to get somewhere, and you could write letters on your phone to other people. You could send mail, pictures, listen to music, and probably a whole lot more on these tiny phones. It was such a great thing that I could barely fathom it. It had been maybe about 30 to 40 years since I had been gone and, in that time, the world had turned into some futuristic movie. Like something out of The Jetsons. I wondered if there were flying cars, as well. I let my mind drift off while I finished bathing, then turned off the water and stepped onto my towel. After drying off, I picked up the clothes that I had brought in with me. I had to admit that the underwear was cute. The other things that had been in the bag were definitely to daring for me. I held up the feather gray matching bra and underwear set. There was a little pink bow in the middle of both pieces. After I put them, I looked at myself in the mirror. If I were to choose to give myself to Colby, then this is kind of what he would see, at first. I had always thought that my body was halfway decent, but it wasn't something that I dwelled on. If I did, then I would see all of the imperfections that drove me crazy. Like the two inch scar below my left breast that had been caused by me falling off my bike and landing on a sharp rock. Or the stretch marks on the sides and top of my breasts from when I hit my growth spurt. I didn't have a large chest but it wasn't small either. I had went from no cup size at all to a C practically overnight. I pinched the skin above the waistband of my underwear. Was I too thin? Or too curvy by today's standards? I had no clue. Kat and Tara were no help in me figuring that out because they were two completely different body types and they were both gorgeous. I sighed and let my hands drop down, slapping against my thighs. Instead of looking at my imperfections, I inspected the way that the bra fit me. Wow, where did those come from? The bra was padded but what the hell? My breasts looked like they were about to spill out of the bra, even though it fit perfectly. The cleavage was almost unnatural! I rolled my eyes and smiled. Here I was thinking that the girls had bought me something normal. I should've known better. At least it was comfortable, while still looking...sexy. I had never thought of myself that way, and it felt weird to look in the mirror and kind of see it. The cute little cotton number did accentuate my curves in a way that I had never noticed before. I wondered what Colby would think of it... I shook my head and smiled at my reflection. Seemed like I couldn't get that man out of my mind. 

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