"Marinette getting help doesn't make you weak. It shows that you have the bravery to address the issue and take charge." 

Marinette looked down and twiddled her thumbs as she contemplated what the doctor said. "Lets go back to the days before this all started and the day of ya?" Dr. Apollo asked.  

"Ok" Marinette's voice was hoarse and small. She was barely audible. "What do you think caused the problem originally?"

"W-Well I've been b-bullied for years by two girls named Chloe and Lila."

"Was it mental or physical?"

"Mental mostly."

"Ok" Dr. Apollo jotted down some notes in his book then looked at me

"Continue please"

"I guess there words got to me and I started getting depressed. I also was in love with this guy but could never tell him how I feel because I always stuttered and stumbled over my words. The day I finally worked up the courage to ask him out he announced the he was now dating. I guess that broke my heart." 

Doctor Apollo continued writing in his book. "Does it still hurt?" he asked kindly. "No no it doesn't. I'm actually grateful. If I had asked him out that day I would have never gotten together with my current boyfriend. What does hurt though is the fact that he is one of my best friends and through the months that I was sick and past them never once did he visit! He didn't even come to my welcome home party." 

"So him not visiting you hurt your feelings? Have you talked to him about this." 

"No I guess I've kinda just given him the cold shoulder." 

"You should discuss this with him. Do you know if there was a good reason to not showing up?"

"He was supposedly sick the day of the party. He also has a very strict father that's very over protective."

"So maybe it isn't his fault. You should talk to him the next chance you get."

"Maybe. I would want moral support. Maybe i'll talk to him when Chats with me." 

"That's a good choice. Having support is a good way to earn confidence. Ok he announced he was dating then what?" Doctor Apollo continued. 

"I guess after that and with" 'I can't say i'm Ladybug so how do I phrase this?'  " er- my responsibilities at like the bakery and with homework I just went down hill. I didn't eat, sleep, I started self harm" 'WHY AM I TELLING HIM ThIS?!?!? IS HE A MAGICIAN?'  "I MEAN- I uh _i?"

"Marinette no worries. I figured you cut. Its ok. everything you tell me is confidential." 

"Thank you Doctor."

"So what happened the day you got sick?"

"I went to school and Chloe was bullying me. It wasn't even her worse thing she had but that day I was just so vulnerable. Anyways the rest of the day I just kinda avoided my friends and listened to Chloe's bullying.  After school was out, I called my best friend and asked if we could meet up. I said I had a bad day. He has always been there for me. No matter what life threw at me he was there to catch me. He said he'd be there. He promised. So I went to our meet up spot at the time we agreed to meet. I then waited over four hours." Marinette's voice cracked at the end. 

Seeing that Marinette needed a second Dr. Apollo spoke up. "So he let you down when you most needed him? Have you guys talked since then?"

Marinette took a deep breath to compose herself then nodded. "I would think so. I mean we are dating."

The doctor had to process that for a second before he was taken aback. "wait. Chat noir?!" "Yes Chat Noir."


The doctors phone alarm went off. "Well that's all the time we have for today. I'll see you on Monday Ok? (just for everyone's information I have NO IDEA what day its supposed to be so I decided its Friday K?) 

"Ok. Thank you."

Marinette  picked herself up off the couch and made her way out of his office. As she walked pass the receptionist she waved. "Good bye Marinette! I'll see you Monday!" "Bye Tia" She walked out of the office and made her way out of the building. 

She glanced around hoping to see Chat but to her dismay he wasn't there. You know who was? 'Adrien' . 

He was walking down the street looking at his phone. He glanced up and made eye contact with her. "Oh hey Marinette!" Adrien greeted jauntily. "Adrien" her voice was cold and emotionalist. "What are you doing here?" he said 'obliviously'

"I could ask you the same thing." Her glare seemed to penetrate his very soul as he began to slightly back away. "Hehe just y-you know t-taking a walk." 

"Oh perfect then keeping walking but in a different direction of me. hmph" Marinette crossed her arms and looked away from him. 

"I - uh- I- of course." Adrien's meek voice reached her ears and she began to feel bad. Sadly her pride wouldn't let her back down. Adrien turned around and walked out of sight. 

Marinette released a sigh of relief and looked around for Chat again. Not seeing him she began walking in the same direction of Adrien. 

Adriens POV/Chat

I turned around and walked away from Marinette. "Ok so maybe it wasn't the best idea to approach her as Adrien." "No kidding kid. What did I say? Its was a bad idea!" 

"Ya ya Plagg it get it. The only question is why?" Now out of sight of Marinette he slipped into an alley and called the famous words that would turn him into the slick, charming, sexy, disappointing side kick of Ladybug (BTW NOTTTTT my thoughts of him!!! His thoughts. Chat is not and never will be a disappointment)

I leapt to the roof and scurried back towards Marinette. I looked down and saw my hot mess of a girlfriend strolling down the street. I leapt down onto a lamp post. "well hello mew-lady" Marinette's back stiffened at the nickname. She looked around and saw me. "Chat get down from there!"  I laughed lightly and hopped down. I entwined my hands with hers and continued walking.

"So how was Therapy?" 

"It was fine I guess. He's like a wizard at getting me to talk. Its weird."

"Well it is his job."


We continued walking in comfortable silence until I breached the question that had been bothering me for awhile. 

"So what's up with you and model boy?" 

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"I was watching from the roof when you and the Agreste boy had a run in. I thought you guys were friends?" 

"We were friends. But after being in the hospital and all I realized what kind of friend he really was."

We continued walking as I processed what she said. "What did he do?" I finally asked. "Nothing." She practically spat the word out as if it was poison. "Nothing? I'm sorry but I don't get it." 

"Thats the problem Kitty Cat I was in the hospital for months and not once did he visit except for the day I got admitted. He didn't come to my welcome home party, didn't text, call or even email!" 

I cringed at her words. I guess I was so preoccupied visiting her as Chat Noir I never thought about visiting as Adrien. 

Ya I was gonna need to fix this

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