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"Bad feeling," Taehyung slurs through his drugged state.

"Oh, you're talking again. That's a good sign," Hoseok sighs in relief.

"He's right though," Jin says uneasily. "Throughout this entire night, we've only heard anonymous; we've never seen them."

"What if the person who's been doing all of this has been down here this whole time? I mean, the door was locked from the inside," Jungkook says, biting his lip as they slowly go down the stairs and away from the flames consuming the house.

"Wait. Stop," Namjoon says quietly. "Do you see any cameras?"

They all look around at the poorly lit staircase and all of them realize there is not a camera in sight.

"Take the collars off. Without those, we are seven against one," Namjoon says in a hushed tone.

"I don't think Yoongi and Taehyung are in fighting condition," Jin says, frowning.

"Now look who's the smartass," Yoongi says, barely above a whisper.

"Just take them off," Namjoon says.

As they try to unclasp the collars, they groan in annoyance and defeat as they realize that the collars won't come off; they failed to realize that once the collars are put on, the only way they can be taken off is with a key.

They continue to push forward, however; a small flicker of hope is present in their chests as they go. They realize that there is a chance of them actually surviving this night.

The fire above them is moving quickly; they hear the foundation of the house creaking under the destruction of the flames.

Carefully, the seven of them make their way down to the bottom of the stairs, Jin and Hoseok being extra careful not to fall with the extra weight of carrying another person on their shoulders.

Once they all reach the basement, all of them freeze in their places.

The basement is a large, open room with a concrete floor and completely barren except that there is a metal bookcase in one corner of the room and a large desk situated against the back wall. On the wall behind the desk are multiple monitors. Each screen is split up into four different angles of each different room in the house.

"Anonymous was here," Jimin whispers as he and Namjoon walk forward to examine the area. "This is where they sat and watched our suffering."

Jin grunts under Yoongi's weight and moves forward to examine the contents of the desk.

All of the drawers are filled with numerous papers; copies of Nari's journal, typed reports of each instance that involved Nari and a detailed description of the night of Nari's murder.

On top of the desk is a recording device.

"What is this?" Hoseok asks, tilting his head in confusion as he presses the 'play' button.

"Don't try to escape. You are here until I am ready to let you go, and that isn't going to happen any time soon. Do as I say and you may survive this night, which is more than I can say for your victim."

Hoseok and the others frown in confusion and Taehyung wriggles a bit. "Set me down."

Hoseok, lost in his own thoughts, gently sets Taehyung down in the desk chair and Jin sets Yoongi down on the floor, leaned up against the desk and puts pressure on his stomach with his hands and Jimin's jacket again as he kneels down next to him.

Taehyung's limp body slumps in the chair slightly, but he manages to catch himself and shakily prop himself up.

Hoseok frowns again and presses 'fast forward' for a moment before pressing 'play' again.

"I am glad you understand. Let's begin, shall we?"

"It was all pre-recorded," Hoseok says in disbelief and everyone frowns.

"How? They responded to us as if it was live," Namjoon says, grunting a bit as he shifts his weight on his feet, Hoseok moving to support Namjoon's other side as Jimin continues to hold him up as well.

Everyone stays silent for a moment as they try to wrap their minds around the mystery, nearly forgetting the blaze that is quickly consuming the house above them.

"It was almost like the person knew what we would say, how we would react," Jungkook says, biting his lip.

"But how? Who knows us well enough to know how each of us would react and respond to things like that?" Yoongi says, coughing up blood and spraying Jin's shirt.

"Jimin," Taehyung says in a slurred, barely audible tone.

"Yeah, Tae?" Jimin asks, shuffling closer.

"Didn't you say Nari stalked us after fucking our lives up?" He asks, eyes refusing to stay open.

"Yeah," Jimin says, frowning. "So?"

"What if...?"

"What if she survived?" Jungkook finishes Taehyung's sentence for him. "What if she didn't die that night?"

"What?" Everyone except Taehyung and Jungkook exclaim.

"She died. I'm sure of it," Hoseok says. "I checked before I..."

"Set her on fire," Jungkook finishes his sentence as well.

Hoseok nods solemnly.

Taehyung suddenly doubles over and vomits onto the concrete floor, and Jimin abandons his spot next to Namjoon to rub Taehyung's back.

"Let's just leave. We can figure this shit out when we're out of this hell hole," Jin exclaims as smoke begins to waft into the basement.

They all nod in agreement and everyone except Jin, Yoongi and Taehyung walk around in search of a door.

"Holy fuck!" Namjoon yells.

Everyone runs over and sees Namjoon in front of the large metal bookcase, which is covered in boxes filled with more papers.

"I found the door!" Namjoon exclaims, grinning widely as he struggles to stay standing, pointing behind the bookcase and revealing a barely visible door.

The others hear slow and unsteady footsteps behind them and turn to see Jin with Yoongi and Taehyung on each side of him as his arms are locked around their waists.

"Someone help me move this," Hoseok says in an urgent tone as the flames begin to move down the stairs to the room they're in.

Jimin and Namjoon do their best to help Hoseok in their injured states, and slowly, they begin to push the bookshelf away from the concealed door. When it's moved about halfway, however, everyone's bodies stiffen and they fall to the floor in pain as electric shocks course through all of them.

All except one of them.

"I'm sorry," he says in a strangely comforting voice. "But none of us are leaving alive. We will die here, just as that girl did."

"You... you're anonymous?" One of them asks in disbelief.

The flames quickly begin to dance into the basement, charring the concrete as it makes its way straight for the seven of them.

"We deserve to die here," he says in a calm voice as the other six watch him with blurry vision. He feels the heat crawling towards him, but he doesn't care.

"N-no..." one of them says, tears in his eyes. "You can't... you would never..."

"But I can. And I did," he says, straightening his shoulders.

He removes his hands from his pockets, revealing that he's had a remote in each pocket the entire time. He presses 'play' on the remote in his left hand.

"Kim Seokjin, you will see a bag tucked safely underneath the dining table. Please retrieve it."

He smiles sadly as the other six watch him with horrified expressions on their faces before he presses a button on the remote in his right hand, causing one of them to grunt in pain and convulse as an electric shock courses through his body.

"I love all of you," he says. "But we do not deserve to live after what we've done. We are disgusting human beings, and we deserve to die for it."

"Jungkook, please... don't do this."

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