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Present Day

"Kim Namjoon."

Namjoon straightens up and sends a small nod to Jungkook before turning to glance into the nearest camera to hear what he has to do, even though he knows what he did that night.

"After she was lured in and drugged, you tied her to the chair that she died in. You bound her wrists and ankles. You gagged her in case her drugged mind was able to form a decent scream. You, in turn, will be bound and gagged. You will be forced to watch your friends suffer and you can do nothing but that: watch. Just like the girl did, helpless to escape your harsh confines. Seokjin, you will find the necessary tools to administer Namjoon's punishment in the closet underneath the staircase. Be warned: I can see you. I can see if you tie those knots loosely. I want his blood circulation compromised, just as that girl's was. If she had survived that night, she would've had long term damage from her restraints. Isn't that right, Namjoon? You bragged about how tightly you bound her, didn't you?"

Namjoon stays silent, his eyes falling to the floor in shame.

"Five minutes to complete your task, Seokjin."

Jin yells out in frustration before leaving the dining room to collect the necessary supplies. In the meantime, Namjoon silently pulls a chair to seat himself next to Taehyung's slumped over body, already placing his arms against the arms of the chair in preparation for this punishment.

"We made a mistake that night, Joon," Jimin says unsteadily. "We let go of our regrets a long time ago, and we don't hold it against you for the part you played. Remember that."

Namjoon stays silent. For every second since that night, the words that he said to his friends echoed in his nightmares. He bragged. He bragged about how tightly he bound her to that chair. At the end of the night, her hands were purple and cold.

All he can think about is his shame. He knows that he deserves this; he knows that he deserves even worse than this.

Jin returns to the room and immediately kneels down in front of Namjoon seated in the chair.

"I have to do this tightly or who knows what that dickhead will do," Jin says to Namjoon, eyes locked on each other.

"It's not like I don't deserve it," he says quietly. "Do it as tightly as I did that night. That's what anonymous wants."

Jin swallows hard before restraining Namjoon's ankles, Namjoon wincing in pain as the ropes dig into his skin. After Jin has secured Namjoon's ankles, he moves on to his wrists, tightening the ropes harshly and biting his lip to hold back his tears as Namjoon clenches his jaw.

The others are watching helplessly, Jungkook's hands staying in his pockets to fight his urge to rush forward and help his friends.

After tying the material around Namjoon's mouth as harshly as the other restraints are tied, Jin takes a step back and watches Namjoon carefully.

Namjoon just hangs his head, fists clenched and eyes locked onto the floor.

"This isn't fair," Jungkook suddenly cries out, taking one of his hands out of his pockets to wipe away his tears.

"It isn't fair?" The voice says and all of them freeze. "You know what isn't fair? That girl never got to see her next birthday. Her family never got peace of mind to know what happened to her. She met the seven of you, and you took her life away from her. That is what isn't fair in this situation. You all deserve everything that is going to happen to you tonight. How about you tell me WHY you think taking that girl's life was fair?"

"She was fucking psychotic!" Yoongi suddenly bellows. "She did everything in her power to destroy our lives! I lost my job because of that bitch. Taehyung's family disowned him because of her. Jin's wife left him. Jimin lost every cent in his name. Namjoon's fiancée left him. Hoseok had to move to a new town to get away from the shit she caused. And Jungkook? He can never dance again because of her. She left nothing but destruction in her wake. The seven of us met through our mutual hatred for that bitch, and she deserved everything that she got."

Yoongi groans loudly and falls to the floor, his body rigid and convulsing.

Jin, Hoseok and Jimin rush to Yoongi's aid while Jungkook watches idly, fresh tears falling down his face as he watches his friend helplessly.

"Do not speak ill of the dead," the warped voice says into the thick air.

"Fuck," Yoongi growls in a low, unsteady voice as his body relaxes. Hoseok and Jimin prop him up while Jin goes over to Jungkook to rub his back soothingly.

"Are you okay?" Jin asks Yoongi, knowing how badly Jungkook wants to ask himself.

"The bastard just shocked the shit out of me. How do you think I'm feeling?" He asks as Jimin and Hoseok pull him to his feet.

Yoongi shakes his head as if to clear it and then shakes his arms outward. "I know what you meant by feeling tingly, Jungkook," Yoongi says. "It's really weird."

Jungkook sends Yoongi a small nod, biting his lower lip.

"You won't have to feel it again, Kookie," Hoseok says. "Just stand there and stay out of the way and we'll endure our punishments and then get out of here."

"We WILL get out of here," Jimin assures Jungkook as he loops his arm around Yoongi's waist to steady him.

"How are you feeling, Namjoon?" Jin asks, looking over to the man tied to the chair.

His hands are reddening, and he's watching Yoongi with a sympathetic look in his eyes. He sends a small, reassuring nod towards Jin before gesturing towards Taehyung.

"I'll check on him," Hoseok says before going over to Taehyung. He kneels down and checks his pulse, which is slow but steady. His breathing is also slow and he's slobbering a bit as he's obviously succumbed to the drowsiness.

"He's asleep," Hoseok says, patting Taehyung's shoulder gently before standing back up.

"Who's next on the list?" Yoongi says, pulling away from Jimin's embrace once he feels in control of his legs again. "Whose turn is it?"

As if on cue, the warped voice comes to life around them.

"Min Yoongi."

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