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Flashback - February 2015

"Joonie," Jae giggles on the other side of the phone as Namjoon holds his phone to his ear, smiling widely at his fiancée's laugh.

"Cute," he says softly into the phone.

"Can you please get the things on that list now? And please do not forget to grab the meat we need from the deli."

"I've got this," Namjoon nods confidently. "I love you."

"I love you, Joonie," Jae coos into the phone before hanging up.

"Excuse me, sir," a meek voice sounds from behind Namjoon as he places his phone back into his pocket.

He turns around to be met by wide chestnut brown eyes.

"Yes?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.

"I apologize for bothering you, sir," she says in a polite tone, "but I was just wondering if you could hand me that box of cereal on the top shelf? I am afraid I'm far too small to reach it."

The woman smiles shyly at Namjoon, and he grins in return. "Of course, miss."

He reaches up and grabs the box with ease, handing it over to the woman. She brushes her hand against his for a moment before gently pulling the box out of his grip.

"You're too kind," she beams. "What is your name?"

"Namjoon," he says, bowing towards her. "What is yours?"

"I'm Nari," she says, tilting her head to the side slightly. "Do you tend to always shop alone? Doesn't that get lonely?"

"Oh, I'm not usually alone," he explains. "My fiancée is normally here with me; she always insists that we split up so our shopping trip goes by twice as fast. But sadly, she had to work late today so I'm surviving alone."

Nari pouts slightly. "Too bad. I'm all alone here and I really needed someone to help me take my shopping bags home because my car broke down in the parking lot."

"Oh. Well, I suppose I could drive you home after we are both done shopping," he offers and Nari's face transforms into a smile again.

"You'd really do that just for me?" She gushes.

"I can't just leave you stranded now, can I?" He laughs.

After twenty more minutes of the two of them grabbing the things they need, Namjoon checks the list one last time before smiling at himself proudly.

"Okay, I'm good to go. Do you want to head to the checkout now?" He asks and Nari nods before pushing her small cart to the nearest register alongside Namjoon.

After paying for their items, Namjoon leads her to his car, loading both of their groceries into it before opening the passenger door for Nari to get inside, shivering slightly at the harsh winter gust of wind.

"Such a gentleman," Nari says in a smooth voice, batting her eyelashes at him as he closes the car door after she's safely inside.

Namjoon frowns, wondering if he should bring up his fiancée again just so she is clear about his intentions of being nothing but a good Samaritan. He walks around to the driver's side door, opening it and climbing inside.

After shutting the door and buckling his seatbelt, he starts the car engine before he pauses.

"Almost forgot," he says, pulling his phone out of his pocket and placing it on the console in between the seats. "Jae calls me a lot and she freaks out if I don't answer, and I never hear it ring if it's in my pocket while I'm driving. I couldn't tell you how many times I've made my poor baby cry because she thought I was dead in a ditch somewhere when it was just because I didn't hear her call."

Namjoon rubs the back of his neck and tries to avoid looking at Nari; he can feel her gaze burning into the side of his head as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"Which way?" He asks, clearing his throat awkwardly.

"Go left out of the parking lot and then it's pretty much a straight shot. Ten minutes away," she says, making sure to brush her hand against his arm as she's explaining where she lives.

Namjoon gulps nervously as he pulls out into the late afternoon traffic. He's beginning to feel uncomfortable with the situation, but he's far too nice to kick the girl out of his car. He focuses on the fact that she only lives ten minutes away.

"So, you talk about that girl a lot," she says and Namjoon frowns slightly. "Your fiancée."

"Well, of course. She's the love of my life," Namjoon says, chuckling slightly.

Nari scoffs. "You're so young! How in the world are you so sure? For all you know, I could be the actual love of your life."

"No," Namjoon says firmly, keeping his eyes locked on the road. "Jae is my soulmate. And I'm not sure I feel comfortable with the comments that you're making right now."

"I don't need to be the love of your life for you to have fun," she shrugs and Namjoon's grip on the steering wheel tightens. "She doesn't even need to know."

Namjoon decides to just ignore the girl. Five more minutes and he will never see her again. He reminds himself to stop being so nice to strangers, but he also smiles to himself when he realizes Jae will think this is hilarious, which means he will get to hear that beautiful laugh of hers.

When Namjoon pulls into Nari's driveway, she sighs loudly.

"I'm sorry for my comments. I just have a very unique personality that not everyone appreciates," she says in the shy voice that Namjoon first heard come from her at the store.

"No big deal," he answers in a monotone voice.

Before he can react, Nari leans over and presses a lingering kiss onto his cheek.

"Thank you, Joonie," she whispers into his ear before she gets out of his car and grabs her groceries.

Namjoon groans in annoyance and drives back to his house as fast as he can, itching to wrap his arms around Jae and tell her about his awful experience. Though as he pulls into the driveway and sees his fiancée pulling suitcases into her car, Namjoon frowns.

"Hey baby," he says as he gets out of the car. "Where are we going?"

"You don't get to talk to me, asshole," she snaps. "Not ever again."

Namjoon gapes at her. "Huh?"

"How long have you been fucking her, huh Joonie?" She asks through teary eyes. "Did you really think I was that stupid after you sent that text?? I'm fucking done, Kim Namjoon. Have fun with that bitch."

Namjoon's jaw drops as he watches his fiancée get into her car.

"Baby, stop! No!" He yells as she speeds out of the driveway and down the road. He's completely speechless and confused. After a few moments of shock, he realizes she said something about a text, so he grabs his phone out of his car and he falls to his knees in the middle of the driveway.

Namjoon: "sorry I couldn't stay longer baby girl I had to go to the store for Jae. but don't worry I'll come back after she goes to sleep. I love you so much baby girl <3"

Namjoon's eyes fill with tears as he stares at the picture that is attached to the message, his vision so blurry that he can barely see that it's a picture of Nari kissing Namjoon's cheek.

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