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As the flames get closer to the seven of them, Jungkook keeps a peaceful, yet sad, smile on his face.

"I didn't do anything then, but I'm doing something now. I'm finally doing something. I'm punishing us all for our sins. Isn't that what we deserve?" He says, tilting his head as he watches his friends.

Each time someone attempts to get up, he shocks them just enough for them to fall back to the ground, leaving them helpless.

"You're as psychotic as she was," Yoongi spits, laying on his back and clutching his stomach which has begun to bleed even more heavily due to the trauma of being electrocuted. "We took one life, so you think it's justified for you to take six more plus yourself?"

"Please do not speak ill of the dead," Jungkook says calmly. "Let us just be together in silence as it ends, okay? This is what we deserve. It's what we all deserve. What we did that night is unforgivable and I am here to right our wrongs. Just stop struggling or you'll bring a more painful end for yourselves. I'm being nice in our dying moments; don't make me regret that."

Everyone is coughing due to the intense heat and smoke surrounding them, but Jungkook remains calm, staring down at the others.

"Yoongi, you're bleeding out," Jin says in a whimper, tears falling on his cheeks as he crawls towards Yoongi to try to put pressure on his hemorrhaging abdomen, but Yoongi swats him away, his blood-soaked hands trembling.

"It's too late for me, idiot," he says in a whisper, falling into a coughing fit and spraying more blood onto the floor, adding to the puddle already underneath him. Jungkook has closed his eyes and is seemingly lost in his own thoughts. "You need to grab Taehyung. He still can't walk on his own. I think everyone else can get out by themselves."

"Huh?" Jin asks, head tilted to the side in confusion.

"I love all of you," Yoongi says in an unsteady voice. "You're all my brothers. Even Jungkook, though he's clearly lost his mind. We all made a mistake that night, but I sure as fuck won't let you all die for it; Nari will not win again through our demise. She fucked our lives up enough. I was the one who killed her; I'll be the one to pay for it."

"Yoongi, what-"

Yoongi suddenly uses all of his remaining strength to push himself up and as quickly as he can, he charges at Jungkook and tackles him, both of them falling into the flames as Yoongi yells at his friends to run.

The remotes clatter from Jungkook's hands, instantly melting in the intense heat, and the other five scream in horror as they watch the scene in front of them.

"We have to go!" Jin screams through his tears, throwing Taehyung over his shoulder as Hoseok and Jimin get up and push the bookcase with all of their strength.

Namjoon slowly gets up off the floor and pushes the bookcase from the door as well, and as soon as they make a space big enough for them to open the door, the remaining men run out into the backyard of the house and keep running until they meet the fence that is surrounding the property.

"Phone," Taehyung slurs and Jin feels Taehyung's hand hitting against Jin's side.

He reaches up to his hand and feels Taehyung's phone and grabs it, seeing that the phone has service again now that they're out of that house.

He gently sets Taehyung down in the grass and calls the police, explaining everything without giving too much away through his tears.

Taehyung's body falls backwards, his body completely uncooperative with the drugs still in his system, so he is left to do nothing but stare at the night sky, the stars twinkling so brightly despite how dark everything surrounding the group seems after everything.

"He saved us," Jimin says quietly, laying down next to Taehyung as he finally lets himself feel the full impact of his injuries.

"He knew he wasn't going to make it to a hospital," Namjoon says quietly, flinching in pain as he continuously tries to bring life back into his hands by flexing and unflexing them. "Even if we somehow all made it out, he was losing too much blood. There's no way he would've survived, and he knew that. He made a selfless decision to save the rest of us. He may have taken a life a year ago, but tonight he saved five. Though he had to take another life to do it..."

"Jungkook..." Hoseok says quietly through his tears as he tries to help Taehyung sit up, but just decides to lay down on the other side of him instead. They aren't in any danger anymore; Jungkook is dead and they are a safe distance from the blaze that is collapsing the house of horrors in front of them.

Jin continues to stay on the phone with the police as the other four lay in the grass, staring at the sky with a million unanswered questions stuck in their minds that can never be answered.

"How do we go on?" Jimin asks quietly. "I could convince my parents that Jungkook made me say those things and that they're not true; they'll probably believe me. The things I said to them probably made no sense to them; they only saw Nari as someone beautiful and innocent. They'll easily believe everything I said was just a lie I was forced to tell. But even with that problem out of the way..."

"Do we even deserve to go on?" Taehyung responds.

"We have a second chance," Namjoon says, sitting up. "We made the worst mistake of our lives that night and we will continue to live with the consequences. But we will not let Nari ruin our lives anymore. Like I said, we have a second chance. So we make the most of it. Together."

"Together," Hoseok repeats.

"Together," Taehyung and Jimin say.

The five of them hear the sirens in the distance, quickly getting closer and closer.

"Together," Jin says, hanging up the phone. "Together, we will live. We will live for ourselves. We will live for each other. We will live for Yoongi. We will even live for Jungkook and Nari. We did something unforgivable that night, and we've paid for it dearly. All we can do is try to move on."

"We keep our secret."

"Until we die."


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