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Present Day

"Min Yoongi."

"Well fuck," Yoongi huffs.

"The man of the hour, yes? Because it was you who killed that girl. You stabbed her and sat back while she bled out, her life slowly seeping from her as you smiled. You reminded her that she deserved to die. And for that, you deserve to die as well."

"What?! Fuck, no!" Jungkook yells out before falling to his knees in obvious pain. His screams of pain echo through the air and Jimin runs to help him up once the electric shock has subsided.

"Kim Seokjin, there is a single knife located in the kitchen on the counter. Retrieve it."

Jin stands frozen, eyes wide and locked on Yoongi's expressionless face.

"I... I can't," Jin says, barely above a whisper. "I won't."

Jin grunts as he falls to his knees, the shock lighting his nerves on fire as the agony washes over him.

"You can hurt me all you want," Jin says through gritted teeth. "I won't fucking stab my friend."

He yells out in pain again as another shock courses through his body, causing him to fall forward.

"Fuck!" Yoongi yells as he stomps away, coming back a few moments later with a large kitchen knife.

"Stop fucking hurting him. I'll stab myself," Yoongi yells into the air, positioning the blade of the knife towards himself.

"I... I have to do it. Those are the rules," Jin says in an unsteady voice as Hoseok and Jimin pull him up.

Jungkook stands next to Taehyung's slumped form, sending quick, unnoticeable glances towards him to see if he's still breathing.

"Then do it, Jin," Yoongi says before turning towards the nearest camera. "You want him to stab me where I stabbed her, right? You want me to bleed out slowly like she did?"

There is no response from the anonymous person, so Yoongi assumes that he is correct in his assumption.

"Stab me, Jin," Yoongi says, forcing the knife into Jin's hand. "You have to."

"You'll die," Jin says through his tears.

Yoongi shrugs. "Maybe. But if we do this quickly, anonymous might let us go and I can get to a hospital."

What is not being said out loud at this point is that none of them think they are going to get out of here in time, if at all. They have no idea if anonymous wants them all dead.

"One minute until punishments are administered," anonymous says in the warped voice.

"Don't make me do this," Jin whispers. "I already hurt two of you. I can't have your blood on my hands. What if I hit something important?"

Yoongi grabs Jin's empty hand and places it on his upper abdomen.

"There. That's where I stabbed her," he says in a steady voice. "Just once. I wanted her to die slowly so I only stabbed her once."

Jungkook shivers at Yoongi's harsh words but keeps his teary eyes locked on his friend.

"30 seconds," the voice says.

After a loud scream of anger, Jin grabs Yoongi's shoulder with his left hand and plunges the knife into Yoongi's upper abdomen with his right hand.

Yoongi gasps in pain and his hands go to his now bleeding abdomen to pull the knife out; Jin has backed away slowly, staring at the splatter of blood on his hand.

After the knife is out, Yoongi lets it clatter to the floor before turning his gaze to Jungkook slowly.

"Don't look," he says gently.

Jungkook whimpers but obeys his friend's command, training his eyes onto his shoes.

As soon as Jungkook's eyes are off of him, Yoongi falls to his knees and Hoseok runs to him.

"I don't remember her bleeding this much when you stabbed her," Hoseok whispers to him and Yoongi's quickly paling face turns toward him.

"I need something to put pressure on this, idiot," he says, his voice hoarse.

Jimin slides his jacket off and tosses it towards him. Yoongi scoots himself next to a very worried-looking Namjoon until his back is against the wall.

He grunts in pain as he presses the fabric of Jimin's jacket onto his stab wound, his head falling back to lean against the wall and his lower lip tucked between his teeth.

Yoongi's breathing is already harsh and unsteady but he's doing his best to hide it. "I'll be fine as long as I keep pressure on it."

Jimin, Hoseok, Jin and Jungkook all glance nervously towards the man on the floor; there is a slow trickle of blood beginning to pool around Yoongi on the floor and they know they won't have much time until he's lost too much blood.

"Fucking bastard! Are you happy?! Are you satisfied with seeing my friends in pain like this?!" Jimin snaps.


"Fuck!" Jimin yells, kicking a dining room chair over in his fit of anger. "We have to get out of here! Taehyung has been injected with god knows what, Namjoon's hands are turning fucking purple and Yoongi is bleeding out! What the fuck do we do?!"

"Jimin," Hoseok says softly. "We have to play this game. We have to follow the rules. I don't know if we'll be let out of here when we're done, but we have to hope for that possibility. So just do what we have to do and maybe we can leave."

Jin is standing silently, his eyes darting between the three people he has hurt tonight.

"I just want to go home," Jin whispers, barely audible as his hands continuously tremble.

Jungkook keeps his hands in his pockets to hide his terror; he has always been like a baby brother to the others and he knows that if he breaks down, all attention will be on him and he doesn't want that. Not when there are three others in much worse situations right now.

"We just keep going," Hoseok says. "We pay for our sins like anonymous wants and then we can go home. Yeah?"

"Park Jimin."

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