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"Mom?" Jimin says after a moment of tense silence, the other men watching him carefully.

"Jiminie, where have you been? We've been calling you for hours! Whose phone are you using? Why is the number blocked? Is yours dead? Oh god, are you okay? Did you get into a wreck?" She rambles.

"Mom, I have to tell you and dad something," Jimin says in a weak voice. He continues quickly before she has a chance to respond.

"Nari didn't run away. She did steal all of my money, but she used it to bribe a cop so she wouldn't get charged with a DUI. She was crazy, Mom. She ruined people's lives for fun. She stole from me, she ruined relationships, destroyed careers and ruined reputations. She... she was evil," Jimin says, lifting his head up and staring at the floor.

"What? Honey, what is going on?" His mother asks in confusion.

"Jimin?" His father's voice echoes through the phone and he now knows that both parents are listening.

"Nari is dead. We killed her. We lured her, drugged her, tied her up and we stabbed her," Jimin says in a loud voice, making sure that anonymous hears every word of his confession to his parents. "I called you afterwards and convinced you that she ran away, that she would never come back. And after I hung up the phone, we burned down the house she was in. She's gone. She's dead and I killed her. I'm so sorry."

Jimin gives a sorrowful look to his friends before biting his lip and making a decision.

"You have to help us. We're being held captive at 629-"

Suddenly, Jimin's entire body stiffens and his eyes roll to the back of his head. The electric current thrashes through his body, making him drop the phone.

Jin runs to help Jimin and Hoseok picks up the phone, desperately yelling into it, but he realizes that the phone is dead. It has served its purpose, and now it's useless. Just as useless as all of them in this situation.

"It's not stopping!" Jin yells, everyone turning their attention to Jimin, who is still convulsing.

"Don't touch him or you'll get hurt too!" Taehyung says in a desperate tone.

After a few more moments of convulsions, Jimin's body finally relaxes.

"Jimin?" Hoseok says, kneeling down next to his unconscious form.

"I'm... sorry..." Jimin whispers. "I tried..."

"Shhh," Jin says, pushing Jimin's hair out of his face. "Rest. Your punishment is finished."

Hoseok and Jin drag Jimin to lean up against Taehyung's shoulder, Taehyung coming to his senses again.

"I'll watch him," Taehyung assures everyone. "I'm okay now."

They all nod and Hoseok goes to check on Namjoon while Jin checks on Yoongi.

"How are you feeling?" Hoseok asks Namjoon, checking his hands and feet to see them slowly turning a darker shade of purple, the skin cold to the touch.

Namjoon winces as Hoseok checks the binds of the ropes, seeing blood beginning to drip from his wrists.

"Namjoon's not doing so great," Hoseok announces with a grim expression.

"Yoongi's barely responding," Jin says worriedly.

Jin continues to gently smack Yoongi's cheek as he helps him hold pressure on his wound.

"Fuck off. I'm trying to sleep," Yoongi says weakly.

"Don't sleep, Yoongi," Taehyung says as he keeps his shaky grip around Jimin's wrist to monitor his pulse. "You probably won't wake up."

"Kim Seokjin," anonymous says, making Jin's muscles tense as he continues to hold pressure on Yoongi's stomach. "It is time for Kim Taehyung's second dose. You have five minutes to administer the dose."

"Fuck," Taehyung growls. "I don't know if I can handle a second dose. I still feel like shit from the first one. I can't even move my legs."

"Hobi, come hold pressure on this," Jin says, standing up and letting Hoseok sit down next to Yoongi.

Jin goes to the table and grabs the remaining syringe before turning to Taehyung, who is shaking his head.

"Please don't," he says quietly. "I can't do it again."

"I have to. You know that," Jin says quietly, kneeling down in front of Taehyung and quickly plunging the liquid into Taehyung's arm before he has a chance to fight back. "I'm so fucking sorry, Tae."

After a moment, Taehyung's gaze falters and his eyes roll to the back of his head, his body slumping over and leaning against Jimin's still unconscious frame.

"One more punishment," Hoseok says suddenly. "It's just me and then we can be free."

Everyone who is conscious stares at Hoseok with sympathy.

"Don't look at me like that," Hoseok says, managing a sad smile. "You've all paid for your sins. Now, it is my turn."

"What do we do if we aren't released after this?" Jungkook says meekly. "Yoongi is dying. Namjoon's hands and feet won't be able to be saved if we don't untie him very soon. Who knows how damaged Taehyung's body is now after the drugs? Who knows what kind of damage was done to Jimin's body when he was electrocuted so harshly?"

"We'll figure this out, Kookie," Jin consoles him. "Right, Joonie?"

Namjoon nods solemnly, trying his best to hide his pain as he slowly flexes his hands to keep the blood flowing.

"We're all getting out of here, Kook. Alive," Hoseok says in a determined tone. "All we have left is my punishment."

"Jung Hoseok, your time has come. Are you ready?"

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