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Present Day

The other men sit in shocked silence, no one daring to speak as Jimin continues.

"The money my sister stole from me... she wrote that she used it to bribe a cop into not charging her for a DUI. The accident that cost you everything, Jungkook... my money prevented you from getting justice," he says, tears in his eyes. "I didn't know what to do. My parents would never believe me. So I found all of you instead."

"We all agreed to the plan, Jimin. We all thought of it," Jin says unsteadily.

"I don't blame you for what your sister did," Jungkook says, tears in his eyes. "You didn't know."

"Running out of time," Taehyung slurs. "Yoongi."

Everyone glances over at Yoongi, who has been quietly coughing up blood whilst breathing heavily.

"I'm fine," he says, blood dribbling down his chin. "Jimin, we get it. You're fucked up. You helped us kill your own sister. Blah, blah, blah. Finish the fucking story so you can do your second task."

Jimin bites his lip. "I told my parents that she had left a note with me telling me about her plan. They searched for her for a while, not completely convinced that she would just run away, but eventually, after trying for weeks to get them to believe me while they continuously called and texted her, they realized that maybe she really did run away. I told them how unhappy and unfulfilled she was with her life; I even forged the note that I said she left. I did everything like I was supposed to; I kept all of us safe. I kept our secret safe."

"She trusted you, Park Jimin," the voice rings through the air. "I find it funny that nobody noticed the look in her eyes as she stared at you. The muffled screams of your name through the gag in her mouth went unheard. And what did you do, Jimin? You watched her die, and then called your parents and told them she ran away. You told them she'd never come back. You told them she was unhappy with her family and she decided to leave it all behind. Now that your friends know how disgusting you are, your parents will also know of your true self."

"What?" Jimin asked, turning his terrified gaze to one of the cameras in the dining room.

"Your second punishment, Park Jimin, is this: You will call your parents. You will tell them the truth."

"I-I can't do that..." Jimin whispers in horror, tears falling freely down his cheeks.

"There is a phone located in the bag that contained your collars," the voice says. "It will only dial one number, and it will only dial that number one time. You have five minutes to make the call and speak your truth, Park Jimin. Otherwise, there will be consequences."

The robotic voice cuts out, leaving the air silent and thick with tension, the only sound being heavy breathing and soft whimpers coming from Jimin and Jungkook.

"You have to do it," Hoseok says softly, grabbing Jimin's shoulder. "Who knows what will happen if you don't?"

"But do you not realize what anonymous is asking of me?" Jimin asks, turning his teary eyes to face his friends.

Jimin locks eyes with Namjoon and he can see in his eyes that the elder desperately wants to say something, but he's forced to stay silent, softly muttering into the gag instead as his hands slowly turn a light purple color.

Everyone whips their heads in the direction of Taehyung when they hear him retch and they see him vomit onto the floor next to him.

"Fuck," he says in a breathless tone.

"Are you okay?" Jin asks, kneeling down next to him and pushing his sweaty hair off of his forehead.

"Water, please," he says in a shaky voice, his eyes staying closed as Jin glances towards Hoseok, who nods silently and runs to the kitchen, coming back with a small cup of water.

"Here," Hoseok says, kneeling down next to Jin and, as Jin supports Taehyung, Hoseok slowly tips the cup and lets the water drizzle into Taehyung's mouth.

He gulps it all down in a few seconds and takes a deep breath, licking his lips.

"Thanks," he says, letting his head fall back against the wall.

Jungkook watches the three with a concerned expression, wondering how Taehyung's body will react to the second dose that he has to be given soon.

Jimin is standing alone, biting his lip and watching everyone around him. His thoughts are chaos and he doesn't know what to do. He knows he can't live with telling his parents the truth, but he's terrified of what will happen if he doesn't do it.

"One minute," the voice says, the sound slicing through the thick tension in the room.

"Oh god," Jimin says, holding his head in his hands. "What do I do?"

"What if anonymous doesn't hurt you, Jimin? What if the fucker decides to hurt Jungkook instead?" Yoongi snaps. "We get it. This is fucked up. ALL of this is fucked up. But we are all suffering here; not just you. Grow some balls and do your fucking punishment like we're all doing."

The thought that anonymous could hurt someone else if he doesn't comply is what brings Jimin back to reality. He doesn't want his friends to be hurt because of him. All he's ever wanted to do is protect and help them, even when all he knew of them were their names.

After wiping his tears away with the backs of his hands, he kneels down and reaches inside the duffel bag, finding a small pocket inside it that holds a small flip phone.

He flips it open and when he goes to the contacts, he sees only one number: his parents' house phone number.

With a second of hesitation, he presses the 'call' button and puts it on speakerphone, letting his body collapse onto the dining room floor and pulling his knees to his chest as he rests his forehead on his knees.

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