
Depuis le début

"Cool the fuck off," Costa stepped directly in front of him, getting close enough so that he could feel her breath fanning his face. "No interfering with hero business. No exceptions. Is that not what we agreed on?"

He looked down into her golden eyes that stared up at him with such intensity, it was almost as if she were the one staring down at him. There was a flash of pleading in her gaze that begged him to stand down. To be the bigger man and to walk away. It was not the time and it was not the place.

He swallowed his rage, not breaking eye contact with her as he stepped back. Then Midoriya placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to get his attention, "Kach-"

"If anything fucking happens, you better call for back up." He pointed a finger at the comm in his ear. There he went again, trying to protect her in anyway he could- even if it was just a quick call for some help. Costa relaxed slightly, knowing he was aware she could take care of herself- he just wanted her to know that he'd drop everything to assist her. She nodded back at him, lips curving at the edges, "I will."

He nodded again, still irritated and glaring at Todoroki but reassured by the lack of attitude in Costa's response. With that, he turned around and left, Deku following after him. Costa let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. Todorki lingered behind her, his attention still half on the building that was on fire. "Come on, we should head to our posts."

She nodded in response, not saying anything as she hurried after him.

Todoroki took the southwest entrance, leaving her the northwest exit. She could glimpse Katsuki on the other northern exit, still brooding but alert as they waited and listened. Waiting and listening, it was getting incredibly old.

Costa sighed, stretching her arms out in front of her. It was dark out by now, the navy sky sprinkled with little silver specks. But the chaos they were in charge of monitoring cancelled out any feeling of serenity it provided her with. She waited, maintaining that continuous fighting stance, her legs in a slight crouch.

Still no word over the coms. She couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing. If they needed help or they'd been compromised.

Costa shook away the thought. There was no chance in hell that three of the best pro heroes in Japan were going down like this. Faith is what got all of them there, faith would get every single one of them out. That and some kickass quirks.

The sound of an explosion had Costa snapping her head in the direction of the noise. Blue flames- everywhere. She knew exactly who they belonged to after the event of last year, caught up by her classmates with the members of the League. Dabi was the one with the blue fire, listed as one of their most dangerous accomplices.

Costa's eyes hardened, her fists curling at her sides. She called on her quirk, the action much more natural than it had been only a few weeks ago. Instead of activating, it felt more like calling on one of her limbs to move. Like a part of her anatomy, just like Mirko had said. She breathed deeply, letting the light she obtained from Dabi's quirk cast her in a brilliant cerulean.

Dabi's quirk was one big source of light from which she could, and would, use to her advantage in a fight with him. She smirked, knowing that he was her perfect match and that she had every intention of beating him.

As if her own thoughts had summoned him, a figure came sprinting out of the window. It fell two stories, landing swiftly on the ground with a soft 'boom'. Costa willed the loud beating in her heart to slow, her calmness taking over as her quirk spread over her body. She was glowing bright silvery blue, a reflection of his flames.

The Wildcard - Katsuki BakugouOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant