"Rayden it's not!"

"Bullshit Liv! What excuse is good enough for you to leave me right after we lost our daughter?"

"Maybe if you would just shut the hell up and let me explain!" She nods her head and shuts up.

"I had to leave because of Junie. Well not because of her... more like my own stupidity." She looks at me confused. "When we were in high school, do you remember how we used to hack into the school system and lock the teachers out as a prank? Well, I did... you just sat there like a dork watching me." She nods, indicating that she remembers. "Well, after the fire and losing our daughter... I was so angry and desperate for answers that I ended up hacking into something, something that put me in danger." She tilts her head in curiosity. "I hacked into our father's company's computers and found information I wasn't supposed to. Hacking into a government system is rare. It's supposed to be unhackable."

"So, that doesn't explain why you left." I glare at her, and she throws her hands up in defense. "Continue, sorry."

"Well... they traced it back to me and let's just say what I hacked into was enough to warrant being put under protection. I was only 19 Ray. I didn't know what to do and I didn't really have much of a choice. They took me and that was the last time I saw my family... the last time I saw you for five years." She crosses her arms, still pissed. "Do you not understand how hard that was for me?"

"No, I get that. But answer me this. Did you keep in contact with your family?" I looked at her not wanting to answer. "That's what I thought."

"Babe, I wanted to talk to you... every day."

"Don't call me that. You lost all rights to call me that when you disappeared without a trace. You talked to your family. Why didn't you try to contact me?"

"Because they wouldn't let me! It was immediate family only on a need-to-know basis. There's a lot of things I can't explain Rayden."

"So, I'm not immediate?"

"I hacked into some deep shit Rayden. You have to understand that. I went through intensive training so they could make sure I was safe in the field, because I became a target the moment I opened those files. You have to understand, I only got to speak to my family four times a year under their surveillance. The government was watching my every move. So no, Rayden, to the government, you were not considered immediate... not unless we were married."

She turns her head to look away from me. "I would have married you Liv. If it meant I could hear your voice at least once for the year, I would've married you in a heartbeat."

I giggle into her chest. "Babe, I say all of that, and all you take from it was marriage? We were teenagers."

She joins me in laughing, but soon stops as she looks into my eyes. Her eyes gaze into my soul as a single tear runs down her cheek. "Yes Olivia, all I took from that was marriage because I loved you. I would have done anything to hear your voice over the past five years."

I lift my hand to wipe her tear away. "Loved? Past tense?" She looks away again. Not wanting to answer me. I lift myself up to a sitting position and pull her up with me.

She grips my hip, and her nails dig into them. I wince in pain but soon relax under her. So many bruises and scratches were left across my body last night, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The night we shared was one I had been longing for.

I grab the side of her face, forcing her to look at me. "I never stopped loving you Rayden. And I'm here now. So please take me back. I'm begging you."

She hangs her head low. "I'm in a relationship Liv. I'm not even supposed to be here." She rubs her face and pushes her curly blonde hair out of the way. "I cheated. Ughhh, I'm a cheater now. How do I even begin to tell Chelsea about this?"

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's not your fault. It's mine. I'm in a relationship. I should have never let it get this far. We should have never..." but before she could finish telling me how much she regrets us making love, I get off her lap with my head hanging low and sit on the edge of the bed to put some panties on.

She grabs the sheet wrapping it around her lower half and comes in front of me. "Hey, no... Olivia. I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. I do not regret last night at all." I put a large shirt on, still not answering her. I get up to find some shorts, but I'm grabbed back to face her. Her hand runs across my cheek softly, and she brings her lips to stop in front of mine.

"Last night was the best night I have had since you left," she says, connecting our lips. The warmth of hers quickly consumes me, but she pulls back whispering, " You just came back at a really bad time. Give me some time, please." I nod my head as she pulls my forehead to her lips, planting a kiss. "I have to go now. I have work in two hours. We'll talk about how you got those gunshot wounds later; you hear me?"

I chuckled into her. "It's a need-to-know basis only, Ray."

"Yeah, well I need to know everything that's happened to you in the last five years." I roll my eyes and watch her struggle to put her clothes on. She comes over to me and kisses me hard and passionately before walking out the door.

As the door closes, I fall back onto the bed, running my hands over my lips and down my body. She was so rough and so gentle at the same time. I loved every minute of it and now I crave more.

My phone rings next to me, and it's unknown. Duty calls. "Go," I answer.

"I have 60 seconds to explain, so listen. We have word that the target was not actually neutralized and is still out there. I do not want to know where you are or how to reach you. I need you to toss this phone and at 0800 Wednesday morning go to your local safe point. Our guys will figure out how to contact you."

With that, the call ended. I close the burner phone and take the battery out, then toss the phone in water to destroy it. I fall back over onto the bed and scream into a pillow.

Just when I thought things were getting better. The bitch just doesn't want to stay dead.

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