42. She Forgot Again

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Shaylin's pov:

Just a regular a morning in the kitchen when she annoys me while I prepare breakfast. Jen's been in a good mood for past few days since the last time we've visited her town. We had returned the next day right after the excavators drove in to demolish that house. She's pretty excited about it.

Me: "How long did Agnes said it'll take?"

Jenny: "5-6months I think?"

Me: "That's fairly quick!"

Jenny: "I know right? We're gonna have a place to stay... imagine (smug) my own house"

I'm laughing at her adorable excitement all morning, but pretty sure she forgot about today again. It's her birthday!!

Jen forgets her birthday every year, she doesn't even care about it until someone (mainly me) reminds her of it with a loving wish. 

Me: "You know what, let's have lunch at Finny's, my treat."

Jenny: "Mm mm, yes ma'am!"

I laughed at her. Sigh, Finny's has become such a common part of our life that she didn't even suspect that I'm treating her a bit extra sweet on her birthday.

*After lunch* 

"Oof.. gonna be tired after jogging today.." Jen said stretching her arms. We workout together whenever we get a free evening from work. But now we're walking towards her mom's place for past 10minutes and she still hasn't noticed anything. 

Me: "No workout today, we're going to Agnes's."

Jenny: "Huh, why?"

Me: "(shrugging) Just some family times."

She looked at me scrunching her eyebrows, finally noticing something "dude, what's up?" I couldn't hold it anymore, burst out laughing. Then hugged the neck of a very confused Jenny, kissing the crap out of her face and yelled "Bitch how're you so oblivious?"

"Wha.. what do you mean?" She's still confused, unbelievable! "Oh god!" I cried laughing, then pushed my forehead against hers and said "It's your birthday you silly goof! Happy Birthday!" 

It took her a few seconds. I can see the realization looming in her face in a comical expression, finally starting to laugh at herself. 

Jenny's pov:

*At Mom's Place*

"She forgot again didn't she?" Mom is pretty nonchalant asking that with a smirk while setting up plates for dinner. We arrived here a while ago, ordered a cake from Bakefit. While waiting for the delivery, Shay and her are making fun of me about forgetting my own birthday, I'm just sitting here with a facepalm and an annoyed laughter.

*bzz* "Ooh I think it's the cake!" Shay's said excitedly then picked it up,

Shaylin: "Hello... yeah yeah you're at the right address, please wait." 

"I'll get it" I said quickly and rushed out laughing to save myself from them. "Oh well" I uttered to myself as I'm opening the gate, there's the smiling girl with the box, wait... she's the one who delivered the cake on our first date, that means...!

Me: "Um Annie?" 

Annie: "Yeeahh! (remembering) I think I've delivered to you once.."

Me: "Wait wait, are you.. daughter of Beatrice, from Yenville?"

I can see the shock in her eyes, "Wha.." she exclaimed, "How.. how do you know?" I'm still not good at socializing so I started to stutter "Um.. uh, ok wait here, I'll get my mom.." I rushed back inside, leaving Annie confused.
"That's so coool!" Annie gaped in surprise. Mom didn't let her go, almost dragged her inside then explain how we're connected. "Mom told me about you Aunt Agnes" Annie said "she told us that you guys had visited and all, also that you (addressing me) might know me somehow" she's really excited while talking to us "but I was so busy that I didn't really pay attention, I guess mom was talking about that evening huh? How did the date go?" She asked really cheerfully but it's news to my mom.

"OH!" It's a surprise to her for sure as Shay and I stretched our mouths in a yikes expression, giggling. 

Mom: "YOU? (shocked at me) You planned a date? (turns to Shay) Oh do tell me about the disaster."

"MOMM!" I yelled, facing down blushing, Annie is clueless and Shay is laughing her ass off. But she saved me in a few seconds, "No no, Agnes (laugh) it was definitely NOT a disaster.." then blushed at me and said "she planned it just perfectly..." 

"That's..." Mom exclaimed "a shock." Shay responded "Yeah, but uuuh.... let's not get into details" then bit her tongue laughing.

"Oh boy.." Mom realized what 'details' Shay's talking about "yeah yeah, no details please" her hand gestures made us laugh. 

Annie: "Awww... that's so cuuttee!"

Shay giggled at her then smooshed her face, she quickly blended in with us, becoming an unexpected guest for the evening. 

Between all the talking and laughter, I looked at Shay. Her liveliness, smiles and and voice are brightening up this beautiful evening even more! I forget my birthday every year but she never missed a single of them since the day we had become friends!
We're in our apartment, arrived a while ago, freshened up and snuggling in my bed. I feel uncontrollably cuddly and Shay is not stopping me whatsoever. I'm literally melting in her embrace, being spoiled as always. "Do you remember your last birthday?" She asked smiling, while stroking my hair.

Now that she mentions, I kind of remember...

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