71. Inherited Responsibility

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Jenny's pov (A week later):

"So sorry it took so long." I said guiltily. "Oh c'mon niece don't say that" Uncle Jerry responded "You needed to fully recover" he said "I even feel bad to call you here but I guess it has to be done at some point." I quickly reassured "No no uncle, I'm totally fine now."

Shaylin and I have arrived in his home in Yenville in the morning. Apparently mom left a very clear will of me inheriting everything she owned. The lawyer was supposed to officially hand me over the documents but my brutal accident put it on hold until I became ready. 

"That's... quite a lot!" I exclaimed, looking at all the asset mom left me! 

Uncle Jerry: "Over the years she rented off the lands to different small businesses in such a little amount that it helped those business owners while she profited a very little but consistent amount of money from the rents."

Me: "But I don't remember her visiting here that frequently, how did she manage?"

Uncle Jerry: "Partnering with me, I managed while she financed, we shared the profit."

Me: "Which means (thinking for a moment) you had to work a lot too, but took a very little amount like mom!"

Uncle Jerry: "(laughing) Kid, my sister never cared about the money and that inspired me too. We helped people together. Money will come and go, but the love and respect we got from them are priceless."

I looked at my uncle in admiration, I'm lucky to call him family. 

"I'm a bit curious but not sure if it's okay to ask." Shaylin stated hesitantly. Me and uncled shared a confused look, then he assured saying "You're a part of our family now kid, ask away."

Shaylin: "If Agnes had so much, why did she leave from here?"

Uncle Jerry: "Good point.. well as I said, she never really cared much about properties, never learned how to manage all these, so when the incident happened with her husband, all she wanted to do is to stay away from here, didn't know how to utilize any of her possessions, she just wanted to live in peace and safety for Jenny and herself... I hope that answers your question yeah?"

Shaylin: "Uh, yeah! Now it makes sense... so over the years she learned how to handle all these?"

Uncle Jerry: "Yeah, also by the time she got a grip on all these, they (mom and me) adapted the life in Strawport, for Jenny's sake she never returned, I kept in touch and worked together."

He ended his explanation with a smile. Honestly, I also just realized it now that Shay asked about it. I suddenly hugged him, my voice is getting choked up in emotion, I said "I don't know what we would've done without you uncle, if Ben grows to become even half as awesome as you, I'll consider myself the luckiest big sister ever."

"Aww kid, c'mon.." Uncle Jerry became emotional too, tightly hugged me and said "Of course he will be, my boy loves and looks up to you more than you know, you're the only big sister he has."
Didn't take too long for the lawyer to hand me over all the documents. After the process, Aunt Rosie invited him to stay for lunch.

We went to the cemetary to pay respect at mom's grave. Then we headed to the train station. We were chit chatting before the train comes. Uncle asked "You own a lot now kid, what's your plan?"

I pretended to sound serious saying "Oh I'm gonna go full commercial and become a business tycoon.." Shaylin knows my sarcasm, she shook her head as I burst out laughing, "Oh god uncle, what do you really think I'd do?" I asked with a big grin. Then said "Mom decided to help people, I don't see any reason to change it, if anything I'll try to help more people if I can, because I know that's what mom would've wanted."

Shay hugged me proudly with a big smile while Uncle stroked my hair showing fatherly affection. We had waited for a few minutes before the train arrived. 

Shaylin's pov:

Before heading for our apartment, we stopped at the city cemetary to pay respect at my parents' graves. Then decided to walk home. 

We're strolling through the busy streets in Strawport's breezy evening, just two lovebirds holding hands, madly in love, enjoying the simplicity of life.

Before entering the building, I asked Jen smugly "You always compliment me for being generous, what're you gonna say about yourself now?" indicating her generous intention of continuing Agnes's altruism.

"Well" She's sounding clever "I'd say that mom raised me right and.." then cutely hugged me "a certain love of my life inspired me to be like her."

I laughed hugging her back saying "I tried to compliment you and you somehow managed to give ME the credits" shook my head. She grinned mischievously saying "Yep, I'm sneaky like that."

We shared another laughter, then locked our lips into an affectionate kiss in this romantic breeze!

The Sound of Her HeartbeatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora