27. Letting Them Know

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Jenny's pov:

"Soo..." Brandon broke the silence "that's one way to let me know I guess?" Shaylin sighed as we both got up. 

"Soo.. you two..?" He asked pointing his hand at us.

Shaylin: "Yep, exactly what you saw"

Brandon: "Well, I thought.. I mean.. I didn't know that you're.."

"Gay?" Shaylin completed his question then scoffed. She held my hand, looked at me and said "doesn't really matter who's what when you fall in love does it?" I smiled at her, what a goddess!

Brandon put down his cocoa cup, walked to us and said "Well... it is what it is, as long as you guys are happy..." then in my surprise, hugged us both! 

He let go off the hug and finished what he was saying "and I'm happy FOR you" then smiled. Shay slightly nudged his cheek in adoration, a sweet little brother after all. It's not that it would matter if he didn't approve of this, but didn't know that support from family would feel this good! 

"Does mom know?" He asked. We shared a scrunched up look. Shay answered "Actually, it's been a bit overwhelming even for us, didn't really get a chance to tell her, or Jen's mom."

"We have to tell them at some point" I said.

"Yeah" Shay agreed, "just not entirely sure how to" laughed nervously.

"I mean..." Brandon made a funny face and joked "you could always accidentally kiss in front of them..."

"Shut up" Shay yelled and punched his arm, we started to laugh. Guess the morning is going better than I imagined.

Shaylin's pov:

I've been sitting a bit quietly for a while, listening to Jen and Brandon's conversation. Jen is inviting him to stay for lunch, "C'mon, it's gonna be fun, not everyday we catchup like this" she's insisting him to stay.

Brandon: "Yeah but I told mom that I'll be back for lunch, what if...."

"Bro" I interrupted him, "call Aunt Greta and tell that we're coming for lunch, and we'll bring the food."

They looked at each other then looked at me. "We were planning to tell her right?" I asked a bit smugly "Why wait?"   

*Aunt Greta's Place* (Shaylin and Brandon's former home)

(After Lunch)

Greta: "You kids didn't even let me make dessert, you brought everything."

Aunt is tried to sound complaining but ended up sounding grateful. She was really happy when we all arrived an hour ago, bringing everything. She already arranged all the utensils on the table before we came.

We're in the living room. I signaled Jen, it's time now that we're chilling and had a great lunch. We're got up and stood in front of aunt, holding hands. "Um, Aunt Greta, we need to tell you something."

She has no idea, "Oh sure honey what is it?" she asked confused.

Me: "Um, we're dating..."

Greta: "Awh, you girls are grown ups, no need to tell me like that" (laughs) "who are the lucky men?"

Oh boy, she didn't realize. "No aunt, um..." I'm emphasizing this time "Jen and I are dating.. each other..."

It took her a second to realize. "Oh?" The smile is gone, now she is just confused. She looked at Brandon, he came near her and smiled a little.

There's a few seconds of silence, I can sense hesitation in her voice "Pardon me, you two have always  been bestfriends that I..." another few seconds then she shook it off, got up and said "Well... as I said, you girls are grown ups, if you're happy then that's all that matters"

Me and Jen sighed a smile of relief at each other, then I hugged her, tearing up a bit. Aunt put her hand forward towards Jenny, then hugged us both as she came. Brandon jumped up and funnily asked "Can I get in too?" then hugged us all, made everyone laugh. 

We spent the afternoon there, the decided to leave for Jen's former home. Both Brandon and aunt Greta wished us good luck. It's time to tell Jenny's mom, Agnes Tinsley.

Jenny's pov:

We arrived in my mom's place like, half an hour ago. On our way I had ordered some pastries from Bakefit, she just ate one.

Mom: "That was really good, where did you find it?"

Me: "Oh Shay found this shop and I ordered in one evening..."

Then me and Shay shared a childish smile, remembering that I ordered it on our date evening. 

"Well" She speaks up "It's really good to see you girls together again, especially you Shaylin, last time this weirdo (pointing at me) came alone." Shay and mom started to laugh as I rolled my eyes. 

"So.." She looked at us and asked "is there any occasion or you two just felt to drop by?" She caught the vibe all right, sensed something is up.

I looked at Shay, she nodded slightly once. I took a deep breath and exhaled then looked at mom. She's looking at me with those cold eyes.

"Yeah mom" I spoke up "There is something we need to tell you"

Mom: "Okay?"

I know my mother, she is a straightforward person. So I gave it to her straight.

Me: "Mom, Shay and I... we're in love with each other, we're a couple." 

I don't know what's going on in mom's head. She asked "Since when?" completely unfazed!

Me: "I've always liked her, but confessed just a few days ago..."

I stopped, don't know what else to say. I looked at Shay, she said nervously "Ms. Tinsley, you know I've always loved her, but didn't know she felt that way until she had confessed to me, but... I think even if Jen told me before, I'd have felt the same way as now."

Mom took a couple seconds then asked in a cold voice "And what if I don't approve of this relationship?"

What? Shay and I shared a nervous look. Then I took a breath and said "Mom I love her, whether you approve or not, I'll not stop loving her."

Mom looked at Shaylin and asked "And you Shaylin?" She stood up beside me, put her hand on my shoulder and said in a stern voice "Same"! 

Am I imagining or mom is smirking? She laughed and said "Took you girls long enough..."

Shay and I looked at each other, surprised. "Come here" Mom put her hands forward to us. We almost jumped at her at the same time, diving in her embrace!

"Wait.. you knew?" I asked, freeing myself from the hug "so that day, when I came here you were talking about not knowing 'what's normal', you meant us?"

"I'm old school kid, not an idiot" She made a whatever face "I knew about you, I'm you mother for god's sake, but Shaylin..." she looked at her, caressing both our cheeks like we're still the kids from years ago.

"Well..." She continued "I kinda had a hunch that you might feel like the same, the way you always spoiled this idiot.." Shay laughed and I eyerolled "guess you just needed to discover it" she finished her sentence.

Then she affectionately said "I was just messing you two a minute ago, I'm happy for you kids" hugged us again saying "take care of each other". 

"Ms. Tinsley" Shay spoke up, laughing nervously in relief "you almost..."

Mom interrupted her, "Shaylin..." she grabbed her face "It's been long enough because of my laziness (laughs) just call me Agnes!"

Shay teared up, "yes Agnes.." she said in an emotional tone then they hugged! 

I can't stop my tears either, almost screamed "heyy, don't leave me OOUUTT" then jumped to hug them both. I swear to fucking god this evening couldn't have gone any better!

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