Chapter 23: Surprises!

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I tossed it at him and he took it.

"You sure about this?" I nodded slowly.

He stood up and shook hands wit me. Lola walked out from God knows whea' in a whole different outfit and hooked arms wit him as they walked out. I flagged down the waitress and told ha ta bring me rest of the bottle and a couple lobsters.

Cheers to me.


Lola handed me the recordin and the video of our conversation. She had stuck a bug under the table cause you never know wit this nigga.

I had gave the driver the napkin to this niggas crib and this lazy mufucka lives right across the street from his store.

I got out and my security guards followed me out. I brought 5 of these niggas just in case shit got weird in this mufucka.

We went on the elevator quickly and this shit was nice, I'll give him that. We got up to the floor, he put down and went to the door.

I knocked and some old woman opened the door.

"Who you for?".

"Alexandria.". She looked at me funny before wavin me in. That shit would've gotten her ass fired.

"Alex!" I heard little feet and I smiled.

"Rocky?" She dropped her little stuffed animal and ran to me.

"You remember me?"

"Yes! I see you whole bunch on TV. Why you hea'?" The old woman was sleep on the couch when I turned around.

"To take you to your mommy." Peter one of my bodyguards handed her the rabbit.

"My mommy?"

"Yes your beautiful mommy." She reached in her onesie pocket and pulled out a picture of Sya

"My mommy." I held it and gave it back.

"She's much prettier in person." She reached up for me and I picked her up.

"Can we see ha now?"

"If you want to. But what about August?"

"I wanna go be wit you and mommy." She had bags under her eyes and she looked hungry.

I kissed her forehead and rubbed her back. When I did. I felt her little spine. Oh hell no. I cleared my throat to hide how angry I was. Taking a breath, putting a smile on my face. "Do you wanna take anything with you?" She shook her head no.

"Just ma bunny, Calvin." She put her head on my chest with her lil animal thing in hand.

"Alright than beautiful. Let's go boys." I ain't think this shit would be this easy. But just in case I had Nast and I's shit put on the plane already. We got in the limo and Lola was on the phone with Monty.

They dropped us off at the airport where Nast was waitin for us. After I said bye to Lola, My team and I made our way through the airport smoothly and got situated, I buckled Alexandria in.

"You know it's 4 am right?" I said in a yawn. "Ain't you tired?".

"Yeah but I'm ex-pired." She smiled jigging her rabit.

"You mean excited?"

"Yes!" She laid her head on my arm and I laughed.

"Alright passengers, we are taking off in 3, 2... 1." The plane started moving and she put her little face in my side. "It's almost over ma. Then we'll be in the air." I closed my eyes, rubbing her hair. Shit I'm tired my damn self.

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