She nods and finishes her strawberry, "I do. I just don't like black coffee and I'm sure you do just by the way you look and act so it's a firm no for me."

I furrow my eyebrows, "How do I act like someone who drinks black coffee?"

She turns around fully to face me and leans her back on the counter, "You're all dark and broody and just seem like the type to. Am I wrong?"

I look away from her and put my lips in a line and she hums at the fact that she was right. I roll my eyes and go back to make my black coffee. I don't need cream or sugar added in my coffee to get my fix. It's perfect the way it is.

"Aren't you supposed to drink tea? Since, you know, you're British." She subtly laughs.

"Are you stereotyping me right now, Lavigne?"

She scoffs, "No." but nods her head yes.

I slightly laugh at the action and sip my coffee, she picks up her keys from my counter and sighs, "Alright well I'll get out of your hair and leave you to it so, bye."

"Wait," I stop her, "You can stay if you want."

She squints her eyes at my offer, "A-Are you sure?" I nod. She drops her keys back on the counter, "Okay. Then what are we gonna do?"

I shrug, "Whatever you want."

She looks at the clock on my microwave and widens her eyes, "Oh shit I forgot I have to go to work today."

"Now?" Didn't she just get half a million dollars? Why does she even still work there?

"Yeah my shift starts in 30 minutes." She leaves the kitchen and searches around the living room for her shoes, "They're in my bedroom." I help her.

She mutters a thank you and runs into my bedroom, then comes back out with them in her hand. She has converse too, we really are matching.

"You should just not go." I bargain.

She sighs while putting on her shoes, "I wish. I'm the owner, I can't just call in without worrying about who will be able to open the store and keep it running all day."

"Fair enough." I set my coffee cup back on the counter and grab my keys, she lifts her head up from the noise and tilts her head, "What are you doing?"

I lift my hand and shake my keys, "Taking you to work. Duh."

"Why are you taking me to work?" Her voice is filled with confusion.

"Because I'm going to drop you off, run some errands, then pick you up when you get off." I make a obviously face and she widens her eyes slightly, "Harry, why on earth are you doing that?"

I shrug, "Because I want to. So hurry your ass up so you won't be late." I rush her and walk towards my door and open it.

"What am I gonna do about my car?" She points to her keys.

"Leave it here, I'll bring you back later to pick it up."

She sighs but gives in, grabs her purse and walks out of the door. I close it behind us and lock it before we walk out of my building and into my car.

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