Edd is Worth It

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Eddy arrived early to pick up Edd for school. Eddy had texted him the day before, warning him that he was getting picked up early on Monday, which Edd assumed that Eddy wanted to hear all about the weekend. Edd was looking forward to telling his closest friends about his happy news, so when Eddy's car pulled into the driveway, he rushed out, barely remembering to lock his own house up in his eagerness to get to his friends.

The air was biting cold, which made Edd welcome the warmth of the car that much more. He settled into the back seat with his usual "Greetings, Eddy. Greetings, Ed," chiming into the quiet car. Usually, the car was loud, as Eddy usually had the music up loud, claiming that it helped wake him up for the school day. Instead, Edd looked up to see Eddy's and Ed's eyes peering at him over their separate headrests.

"Good morning, Double D," Eddy said, barely keeping the amusement from his voice. "Have a good weekend?"

"You know he did, Eddy," Ed said as he looked at Eddy strangely. "Double D and Kevin like each other."

Eddy rolled his eyes. "I know that, Lumpy," he said irritatedly. "I'm asking him to tell us all about it. That's why we're here early." Eddy turned in annoyance and backed the car up. "Alright, spill the beans, Double D. Tell us everything that happened."

It took so long for Edd to relate the events of the monumental weekend that they found themselves parked in the school parking lot long before Edd had finished. Eddy kept the car running for warmth as he and Ed listened to Edd's story. "So what? You guys are boyfriends now?" Eddy asked.

Edd's cheeks turned pink. "Yes, Eddy, he asked me if I would be his boyfriend, and I said yes."

"I'm so happy for you, Double D!" Ed said, hanging over the back of the front seat and grinning at his friend.

"Thank you, Ed."

Eddy took a deep breath and shook his head.

"Eddy?" Edd asked, looking at him apprehensively. He knew how Eddy felt about Kevin. "I-I know you are not a fan of Kevin..." he began.

"Edd," Eddy interrupted him with an annoyed glance. "Are you happy? That's all I care about."

Edd smiled. "I am happy, Eddy. I do not think I have ever been this happy," he said softly, looking down at his hands.

"That's good enough for me, Double D," Eddy said, and Edd could tell he was sincere.

"Also, my friends, we do not want anyone else to know. Kevin and I agreed on that. We only want you two, Nazz and Rolf, to know. So please do not indicate our relationship to anyone here at school," Edd requested anxiously, looking between his two friends.

"You know I won't say anything, Double D," Eddy promised, then punched Ed on his arm. "You hear that, Lumpy? You do not say anything about Kevin and Edd; you got it?"

"Yeah, Eddy, I got it," he said, rubbing his arm as he laughed. "Kevin and Double D. We can only talk about them when it's just us, Eddy?"

"That's right. You'll make Edd cry if you say anything about them to anyone but me, Nazz, or Rolf, okay? Do you want that?"

"No, Eddy! No! I would never make Double D cry!"

"Eddy," Edd remonstrated, "that is a little extreme."

"No, it's not Double D. I just want Ed to know how serious it is that he doesn't say anything."


A few minutes after Eddy left Edd's, Nazz had picked up Kevin in her car. She didn't ask him anything as she drove over to Rolf's and waited for the son of a shepherd to join them. She was dying to hear the whole story, but she had to be fair to Rolf, who was equally eager to hear everything.

For Edd, I Will (KevEdd)Where stories live. Discover now