I Shall Assist You All I Can

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"Eddward? May I speak to you a moment?" Mrs. Travers asked as the teenagers of her Calculus class gathered up their books and things after the bell had rung.

Edd looked up from his messenger bag, where he was neatly stowing his class material, and nodded. He stood up, looping the strap over his shoulder, and approached the teacher's desk. He was curious, though not worried, as he was one of the more brilliant students in the school unless it was about Eddy's latest shenanigans.

"Yes, Mrs. Travers?" he asked in his still high-pitched and raspy voice. Puberty had deepened it slightly despite being seventeen, but he still sounded like a kid.

Mrs. Travers smiled at him. "I need your help, Eddward," she said. "I have a student in my Geometry class who is struggling with the work. He's a good student and is trying hard but can't seem to grasp our current unit. He came to me and asked if I knew anyone who could help him. I was hoping you wouldn't mind some after-school tutoring?"

Mrs. Travers was Edd's favorite teacher, as math and science were his favorite subjects. He had tutored before, so he wasn't surprised that she asked him. He grinned, "Yes, Mrs. Travers, I would enjoy helping anyone with their math. Who shall it be that I will tutor?"

"Kevin Barr," she informed him. "I thought it was an ideal situation because I believe that Kevin lives near you?" She said this last with a questioning tone, tilting her head slightly.

Edd's grin faded. "Kevin?"

Mrs. Travers looked surprised. "Yes, Kevin," she replied, narrowing her eyes. "Is that going to be a problem?"

Edd cleared his throat, his mind working rapidly. "No...no, I guess not. He-he kind of bullied me when we were younger," Edd admitted. "I mean, he has not displayed such behavior since then, but I do not think he likes me very much."

His teacher frowned. "Oh, dear. It would help if you didn't feel uncomfortable tutoring anyone. I knew you lived close to each other, so I thought it would be perfect. Kevin didn't mention anything like that when I spoke to him about you."

"You have already told Kevin you wanted me to tutor him?"

She nodded. "Well, yes, and seemed pleased about it."

Edd thought about that for a moment. He supposed that it wouldn't be too bad to tutor his old enemy. He was truthful when he said that Kevin hadn't bullied him in years because the truth was Kevin had barely acknowledged him in five years since they had all entered junior high. They lived across the street from each other but hardly ever interacted. Kevin had his interests and friends, and the Eds had long ago given up scamming the other cul-de-sac kids, much to Double D's relief. He had never liked being in all of Eddy's harebrained schemes, but he loved his friends, so he generally agreed with the ideas.

"I suppose I can tutor him," he said slowly, his reluctance evident.

"Eddward, I honestly didn't realize you boys didn't get along. I'm sorry about that. If, at any time, you feel uncomfortable, please let me know. I can arrange something else."

Edd nodded, and his smile returned. "I should be all right, Mrs. Travers," he said before the door opened. He turned his head and saw Kevin come into the room.

Kevin had not changed much since their younger days. Taller - nearly half a foot taller than Edd, slightly more muscular from playing baseball, but not overly so. He dressed in loose-fitting jeans and a sweatshirt that looked too big for him and still had his backward red cap on his head. Edd eyed him apprehensively, unsure of how to approach the situation.

Mrs. Travers, however, took control. "Hello Kevin," she said and continued after Kevin murmured a greeting to her. "Eddward has agreed to help you with your Geometry. As I told you, Eddward is our top student, especially in math, so I'm confident you will be up to speed quickly with his help."

For Edd, I Will (KevEdd)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora