He Likes Me!

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Kevin held Edd close to him at the door, reluctant to let the boy go. "I almost want to ask you to stay with me all night, Edd," he whispered.

Edd smiled up at Kevin, a warmth spreading through him. He wished this too, though he knew it wouldn't be a good idea. "I almost would stay, Kevin, but I do not want to rush this with you."

"Part of me agrees with you, but there's another part that just wants to hold you all night," Kevin said with a bit of sigh, though he pulled back and smiled down at Edd fondly. "But you're right, as always."

"I will be over at approximately noon tomorrow, Kevin. That shall give us plenty of time to make dinner for your parents." In one of the brief breaks they had while making out, they had planned Edd to come over the following day. Kevin mentioned that his parents would be home late in the afternoon, and he was sure they wouldn't mind Edd joining them for takeout. Edd had then offered to make dinner, and Kevin had asked if Edd could teach him how to cook something.

"Cooking for five hours, Edd? I thought you said you were showing me something simple!"

The sly expression in Edd's eyes was a delightful surprise to Kevin. He liked to see a naughty side in Edd. "The dish I have chosen to show you requires approximately thirty minutes of prep time. Once complete, the sauce will simmer on the stove until it is time to serve, requiring nothing more than an occasional stirring. That will allow us an ample amount of time to partake in more interesting activities."

Kevin laughed. "Wow, Edd, you are a devious one, aren't you?" he said, leaning down to kiss Edd one last time. "I look forward to our interesting activities tomorrow."

"As do I, Kevin," Edd said, grinning that gap-toothed grin. "Thank you for an enjoyable day."

"No, thank you. Good night," he said, opening the door for Edd so the more petite boy could scoot out. He watched Edd cross the cul-de-sac to his own home to make sure he returned safely. At his door, Edd unlocked it and stepped in, turned and waved to Kevin, then disappeared. Kevin immediately shut his door and ran to the kitchen where he had left his phone.


"I had no idea this place was even here!" Nazz said as she and Eddy sat across from each other at a little romantic diner near the movie theater. They had just finished a double feature at the movies and were waiting for the sundaes they had ordered to come out. The place was a quaint little hole in the wall that Rolf told him. The owners set it up like a fifty's diner, and Rolf assured Eddy that it impressed Nazz. The place had excellent ice cream, and Nazz loved ice cream.

"I've heard excellent things about it," Eddy said, a little nervously. He had asked Nazz out on Tuesday with little expectation that she would say yes to him. She floored him when she did but then realized that he had no idea how to talk to her or act with her despite his bravado to Ed and Double D. Nazz honestly intimidated him, and she had never said yes before. "Sorry that I had to work late and didn't have time to take you to dinner before the movie," he apologized again.

"Oh, I don't mind at all!" she assured him. "We got to see that double feature, and that was fun. It is a perfect idea for after the movies. I got hungry after our popcorn ran out, and I love ice cream," Nazz said with a smile, then looked away. He thought it was dismissive, but she was nervous too. She had known Eddy almost her whole life but found she didn't know much about him and that she didn't know what to say to him. She felt awkward, which wasn't a feeling she was used to. Part of her also wanted to ask about Double D, but she would never dream of interfering with what was going on between Edd and Kevin.

Their waiter had given them water glasses, and Eddy grabbed the one in front of him to take a huge gulp. Nazz sipped hers more demurely and smiled at him again. She opened her mouth to say something, but a musical ding from her purse interrupted her.

For Edd, I Will (KevEdd)Where stories live. Discover now