I Have Never Been Happier

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Edd received a long welcome kiss as if Kevin hadn't seen him in months instead of hours. Edd didn't even have a chance to take off his coat or set down his tote bag of groceries before Kevin had him in his arms. It thrilled him to be wanted so much. A thrill to have something you wanted so much returned.

"Hi," Kevin said breathlessly when he finally released Edd.

"That was quite a welcome, Kevin," Edd laughed.

"I missed you."

"We have only been apart for approximately fourteen hours."

"That's fourteen hours too long," Kevin said, pouting, though his eyes shined with amusement. "I've finally got you, and I want to spend every minute with you."

"I am truly flattered, Kevin," Edd said, standing on his tiptoes and using a hand to pull Kevin down enough so he could kiss Kevin's cheek. "You said your parents would be home at five tonight?"

"Around that time, yeah."

"Excellent. Shall we get started, then?"

"Right now? I can't kiss you first?"

Edd giggled, lifting his hand and covering his mouth, "I told you last night that if we get dinner started right away, we shall have plenty of time to kiss before your parents come home."

Kevin brightened at that, took the bag from Edd's hand, and waited for his boyfriend to relieve himself of his coat and shoes, then led the way to the kitchen. It was almost the same scenario as the day before, but everything felt different.

"Are you sure you would like to do all of the cooking, Kevin?" Edd asked as Kevin put the bag gently on the counter and proceeded to take the items out.

"Of course, Edd. I mean, I don't know how to do anything," he added apologetically, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"That is all right, Kevin. We all must start somewhere, and this particular spaghetti sauce is an easy recipe. Most of your work is chopping onions, so that is a good place to start."

They spent the next half hour getting the sauce started in a large pot on the stove. Edd showed Kevin the easiest way to dice onions, brown the meat, and add to make it into a sauce. Edd was impressed at how seriously Kevin took it. Though he was awkward handling the knife, he tried hard, but he did his best with Edd's help.

"It doesn't look like a sauce," Kevin doubtfully said as he stirred the contents of the pot.

"It will, Kevin. Trust me. We added tomato paste, and as it cooks slowly, the water will dissipate, and the paste will thicken into a sauce. We have two more things to add, and then we're done."

Edd slid the container of oregano and a sugar bowl he spotted next to the coffee pot over to Kevin. "The recipe calls for a teaspoon of oregano, but I like the flavor that oregano adds, so I put in a very heaping teaspoon."

Kevin measured out the oregano, looking at Edd for his nod before dumping it into the pot.

"And now just a teaspoon of sugar."

"Sugar? In spaghetti sauce?" Kevin looked confused.

"You need sugar to counteract the acidity of the tomato juice we used. To cut that acid out, you generally want to put something sweet into all tomato-based sauces. This sauce will not be sweet at all, but it will not be very bitter on the tongue."

"If you say so, Edd," Kevin said, putting in the sugar. He gave the pot one more stir, took the spoon out, and rested it on the spoon rest. "That's it?"

"That is all, Kevin. You have made your first dinner!"

Kevin grinned at Edd, traces of pride in his eyes. "I have? Wow. I never thought I could say that."

For Edd, I Will (KevEdd)Where stories live. Discover now