For You, I Will

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"So, satisfying," Kevin sighed, turning his head to grin at Edd.

"I agree," Edd said. "As I mentioned, I do like Captain America, and this is a good story with a good villain."

Kevin reached his arms over his head and stretched back. "I can't believe we got through five movies today!"

Edd laughed, "I know. I do not usually do this sort of thing."

"Me neither. I'm usually more active. I don't know, though. A lazy day spent with a friend and eating a lot of food sounded like a good idea."

Edd thought that over. "It was a perfect idea, Kevin. Thank you for inviting me."

That lazy smile and expression returned to Kevin's face. "It was my pleasure, Double D."

"It was my pleasure, too," Edd responded in a soft voice and looked away, bringing his knees up against his chest and wrapping his arms around his legs. Kevin had that flirty tone and expression, and Edd felt his heart thump painfully against his ribs. He commented, "I saw a guitar over there, Kevin," to cover his confusion. "Do you play?"

"Yeah, I mess around a little."

"I play the pedal steel guitar."

"Yeah, I remember that," Kevin said, grinning. "Maybe we can jam sometime?"

Edd shrugged. "If you would like. I have not played in a while."

"You were excellent, though."

Edd blushed, "Thank you. I am sure you are excellent too."

Kevin chuckled, "Oh, I don't know about that. As I said, I just mess around. I don't have any formal training or anything."

Edd smiled, and Kevin felt the overwhelming urge to kiss him. The room was dark and quiet, and it seemed like the perfect setting, but Edd was still wrapped up in himself defensively, and his body language clearly said 'stay away' despite his gap-toothed grin.

"I still would like to hear you play," Edd said so softly that Kevin thought he misheard him.

"You would?"

Edd merely nodded. Kevin stared at the more petite boy tucked into the corner of the couch. Edd still had that adorable smile on his face. Kevin chewed on his lower lip for a full minute as he contemplated things. In his head, he could hear Nazz and Rolf encouraging him. Kevin also heard that doubting voice that warned him that something could go wrong. He knew his 'plan for wooing,' as Edd called it, was cliché and sappy, but it was the best he could come up with, and he didn't know if he was ready to do it. While Kevin hoped this day of hanging out together would bring them closer, he wasn't sure if he should push it too far tonight or not. Then he thought about what he planned to do and decided it was now or never.

"Okay," he said, pushing himself to his feet, conscious of Edd's eyes on him as he walked around the couch to retrieve his guitar. He brought it back to the sofa and sat facing Edd, who had relaxed his posture so that he was sitting cross-legged again, his hands clasped in his lap and an expression of eagerness on his face.

Kevin adjusted the guitar strap; his right leg cocked on the couch to support the instrument. He nervously plucked the strings, making minute adjustments to a couple of the pegs. In all honesty, he was nervous about doing this, but at least he could play the song and judge Edd's reaction before he said anything more.

"Remember I said I had a plan. A plan for wooing someone, as you put it?" Kevin asked.

"I remember, Kevin."

"I've been practicing this song so that I can sing it to them. The lyrics well if you listen, you can probably guess why I wanted this particular song."

For Edd, I Will (KevEdd)Where stories live. Discover now