You May as Often as You Like

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On Saturday morning, Edd crossed the cul-de-sac to Kevin's house, carrying two bags and wrapped up warmly against the cold and lightly falling snow, just as he had predicted with his weather instruments up in his room. He hadn't been to Kevin's house in years, and even back then, it was never for very long – usually just a glance while being chased out. He felt stressed out and nervous. Everything Eddy said the evening before was running through his head. He was scared that Kevin would do something and that he wouldn't. Edd desperately wanted to be with Kevin, but the idea of being in a relationship did intimidate him.

"Greetings, Kevin," Edd politely said as he squeezed past Kevin after he answered the doorbell. Edd could hear the shakiness in his voice. "Shall I take off my shoes?"

Kevin grinned, "Yeah, Double D, make yourself at home." He took the bags off Edd's hands, so Edd could get out of his coat, which he hung on an empty hook in the foyer. He placed his shoes neatly side by side near the pile of shoes next to the door. Most of the bundle appeared to be Kevin's shoes.

"What did you bring?" Kevin asked, holding up the bags. He looked Edd over, surprised that Edd had dressed casually. Edd's usual style was a nerdy professor with many cardigans and sweater vests. Today, however, he wore an Iron Man t-shirt over a long-sleeved t-shirt and jeans. Kevin himself had chosen to wear his favorite Captain America tee and jeans.

"One must always bring something when invited over as a guest," Edd replied, smoothing the front of his t-shirt, then pulling his hat more securely down on his head, a symptom of his nerves. Eddy had suggested his wardrobe. "I brought some snacks for us to enjoy later."

"Cool!" Kevin said. "Come on, let's put them in the kitchen."

Edd followed Kevin into the kitchen, his eyes quickly darting around curiously. The home certainly was nothing like his. He felt his skin tingling at the thought of germs, though the house did seem clean. It just looked more lived in, which made him feel sad when comparing it to his own sterile home.

Edd helped Kevin pull out the snacks he had put together out of the bags. He pointed to a covered dish and told Kevin that it was a dip they could heat up later. It was only ten in the morning and a little too soon for a chili dip. Edd also had brought cookies he had made and chips for the dip, and a bowl full of a fruit salad. His nerves keyed up that morning that he distracted himself with making food.

"You made all this?" Kevin asked, stunned. When Edd had mentioned snacks, he thought he'd be pulling a box of crackers and a bag of chips out of the bags. He certainly wasn't expecting Edd to have made anything.

Edd seemed embarrassed. "Well, yes. I had plenty of time this morning. I was up early."

"What kind of cookies?" Kevin asked.

"Snickerdoodles. I hope you like them."

"I love them! I have such a sweet tooth, and if they're anything like those brownies you made, they'll be out of this world," Kevin said as he pulled off the lid and grabbed one. "Holy shit, Double D! These are delicious!" he said, his mouth full of the cookie and causing Edd to wince slightly at sight. Kevin swallowed. "Sorry, couldn't resist," he apologized sheepishly.

"Do not worry, Kevin," he said, smiling nervously. "I am happy that you like them." Thinking of Eddy's advice to try to flirt, he said a little awkwardly, "I wanted to do something nice for you."

Kevin seemed pleased. At least, he returned Edd's smile. "That's sweet. Thanks! We can save all this for later. Unless you're hungry now?" Kevin asked, and when Edd shook his head, he continued. "We're in for the long haul today, so come on downstairs. We have an awesome movie set up in the basement. And there's a fridge for drinks, so if you're thirsty, don't hesitate to dig in. We're not formal here, and mi casa es su casa, okay?" Kevin said as he led the way to the basement door. "I want you to feel at home here."

For Edd, I Will (KevEdd)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن