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"Ms. lee?" Wooyoung asked, staring at the lady by the entrance of the door.

"Ms. Lee, I don't think you are involved in this situation so could you please leave it to us—" "Hyunjin, when is your birthday." Felix's mother asked Hyunjin on the spot. Not caring if she interrupted the doctors. "Uh- it's March 20th, ma'mn." Felix's mother hummed feeling satisfied.

"Doctors, it's almost March 20th in a couple of weeks, isn't it?"

"Y- yes but that still does not mean anything, we still have to ask him questions, and possibly take him down to the station." The doctors disclosed, "But I don't see the need to take an almost 18 year old student down to the police station to be questioned when he has done nothing wrong. In fact, you guys shouldn't even be thinking about questioning him knowing he saved another individuals life, my own son at that." Felix's mother went on, she wasn't going to back down on this knowing the situation and what was at stake.

"Ma'mn if you would just please let us do our job then things will be fin—" "For years this kid has been living off on his own perfectly fine, he has committed no crimes, has went to school to get a proper education, feeds himself. And lives off of his own will. I don't feel the need for him to be questioned when he has done nothing but survive on his own for years."

"That's the problem ma'mn, we can't have a 17 year old living alone without a guardian, it's against the law." Felix's mother scoffed, "This kid is going to be 18 in a couple of weeks, I see no point of putting him in foster care only just for him to leave because he would have the right, since he would be turning 18." Felix mom argued, at this point. The doctors were getting frustrated. "Even so ma'mn, it's against the law to have an individual younger than 18, living without adult supervision. If that were a thing, then the world would be an even bigger mess then it already is." The doctor tried to explain. Felix's mother scoffed, "Fine." The doctors sighed in relief.

"He can live with me."

Everyone in the room froze, including the doctors. "M- mom—" "You strictly said that Hyunjin needs to be supervised since he is technically underage. But when he turns 18 he would be able to move freely, correct?" The doctor had trouble speaking, "U- uh, y- yes... that is correct..." Felix's mother smiled in victory, "Then I shall custody over Hyunjin until he is of age to roam around freely without a need for parental supervision." Hyunjin felt a sense of emotions overwhelm him instantly, he hadn't felt this much happiness ever since his grandmother was alive.

He was going to have a family, and be together with his loved one. "M- Ms. lee, are you sure about this? I don't want to be an intruder in your families lives—"

"Hyunjin, your not an intruder. You made my son happy, and you saved his life. You've been living in this darkness for god knows how long because of what foolish individuals say about you." Hyunjin was speechless as he listened to Felix's mother's words, "Your misunderstood Hyunjin, and people assumed things about you when they are not true. They never were. So I'm going to do this, you came into my sons life and made him even happier then he ever was, and I somewhat grown attached to you. So yes, I would gladly be your temporary guardian until you feel the need to leave the nest." Hyunjin caved into his feelings, hearing those words, released something inside of him. He would remember this forever.

A core memory, that could never be replaced.

He pulled his face down into his hands and started to cry silently, Felix instantly noticing where the situation was going to take place, he grabbed Hyunjin and engulfed him in his arms. Rocking the older calmly. Felix's mother softly smiled.

"Ma'mn, are you sure about this? this is a big thin—" "I'm taking care of three kids at home, as a single mother. Taking care of one more who already knows how to survive on his own, should not be close to being a problem for me." She corrected. The doctor's looked at each other simultaneously before nodding, "Alright miss, we just need for you to sign here for both of the patients. Sadly, Hyunjin and Felix are going to have to stay at the hospital for one night, just so we can monitor them." Felix's mother looked towards the two boys cuddled up on the hospital bed, "Is that ok with you, kids?" Felix and Hyunjin nodded.

"Alright, we will be right back with the papers." The doctor told Felix's mom, exiting out of the room with the nurse.

"So is Hyunjin technically our brother now? Now that he's living with us?" Felix and Rachel face palmed themselves while everyone in the else laughed.

It was currently midnight and Felix refused to go back to his hospital room. So there he laid, in hyunjins room, cuddled up to hyunjins side: enjoying the warmth from the older. "Felix" Hyunjin disturbed the comfortable silence, Felix lifted his head up and came in contact with Hyunjin. Hyunjin Softly smiled, "Your not allowed to go to any other beaches without me, your mother, your sisters, or San and wooyoungs supervision." Felix snorted at the comment. "Oh so now I'm banned from going to the Beach?" He responded with a small hint of tease in his voice.

"No, you just need to be supervised so you don't be your normal bubbly curious self and go exploring secret caves underwater." Hyunjin exaggerated. Felix   Laughed, "Your so stupid. I'm not that curious about the world."

"But your curious about the beings on the earth, aren't you?" Hyunjin teased, smirking as he gave full eye contact with the younger. "Well... I was curious about one being, and that being pushed me away, but it didn't stop me from coming back." Hyunjin soflty smiled as he pulled the younger by his chin, giving him a soft kiss. It was short, but it was enough to fill their hearts to the full extent.

Hyunjin pulled back, before gazing at the bright haired individual. The moonlight from outside reflected stars in Felix's eyes, making him an even more outstanding sight then Hyunjin could imagine. "My sunshine."

Felix softly smiled before responding.

"My jinx."

𝐉𝐢𝐧𝐱; 𝐬𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞Where stories live. Discover now