Tobias leads me to the building's exit, his hand still in mine. We walk up to our car and he, being the gentleman that he is, opens the passenger door, allowing me to maneuver my pregnant body into the seat. "Thank you," I say, letting go of his hand.

He makes his way to the other side of the car and slides in next to me. He starts the ignition and skillfully pulls out of the parking lot and onto the freeway.

Christina and Uriah enjoyed couple bonding time, moving our few boxes from our apartment into our new house. We're not sure if it was legal at the time, but oh well, no one really cared.

Shauna and Zeke have been distant lately, but we forgave them, seeing as they were occupied with their three month year-old little girl, Leah. Zeke complains constantly saying things like "She cries whenever I hold her," or "I don't know why she keeps peeing on me," and the infamous "When is a good time to have 'the talk.'"

He also keeps asking Tobias if he could set up Leah and our soon-to-be baby boy. Zeke says that he and Tobias would be in laws, and I mentally cringe at the thought of being related to Zeke.

Peter recently opened a new store across town, The Butter Knife-uporim. Business seems to be going well for him, but we tend to stay away from him, seeing as he is the owner of the world's largest butter knife collection.

And as for my brother, much of his time has been occupied by his new girlfriend, Hazel. Although I can't really say new, since the two have been in a committed relationship for almost five months now.

They first met on a trip Caleb had taken to Amsterdam to learn more about the world outside of Chicago and the Bureau. Hazel had also been visiting Amsterdam and surprisingly lived only two hours from Caleb. He moved down to her area so he could see her more often, a romantic gesture, but I miss him sometimes. Sometimes. He told me that he first approached her because he thought she was me and that I hoped on the plane to Amsterdam to spend more time with him. But it turns out it was an entirely different person and we just happen to look shockingly similar.

Tobias pulls into the driveway of our new house, greeting Christina and Uriah who are standing in the doorway with the last of the boxes.

Tobias puts the car in park and runs around to my side to open the door for me. I smile at the gesture and reward him and a small kiss on his cheek. A wide grin stretches across his face and he takes my purse from my arms, allowing me to wrap my arms around my best friend.

"How'd it go?" asks Christina, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. "Is it legal?"

I chuckle. "Yes it's legal. It's ours."

I smile at the thought of us owning our own house, then smile again at how much I've been smiling today.

"Tris, that's fantastic! I'm so happy for you guys!" sh gushes.

"Me too," I agree. I hobble up the driveway and successfully make my way up the stairs leading to the front door, everyone else trailing behind me. "Do you have the key?" I ask Tobias.

He hands me a gold key, part of a set of three, and I bring it to the lock. I laugh at myself, realizing the door's already open from when Christina and Uriah we're bringing boxes inside. I push open the door and step in to my new house, breathing in the welcoming atmosphere.

"It's beautiful," I say. "I love it."

Tobias comes up behind me, intertwining his hand in mine. "I'm glad, seeing as we'll be here forever."

I smile, again, at the thought. Here. Forever. With Tobias. Everything, for once, is perfect.

"Now if you will excuse us, my wife and I need to break in this new house," Tobias says to Christina and Uriah. "And we can't do that with visitors here, can we?"

I gasp and lightly slap his shoulder. "Tobias, I'm pregnant!" I squeal.

He laughs and reassuringly rubs his hand up and down my back. "I was only joking, baby, don't worry."

He directs his attention back to my best friend and her boyfriend, who are both standing awkwardly in the doorway, smirking at our exchange. "But seriously, get out."

Christina and Uriah politely bow out, returning to their car and driving back to their shared apartment.

I fall back on to the couch, placed randomly in the center of the front room. Tobias joins me, laying his arm behind my head.

"You okay?" he asks.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know," he murmurs. "You're in nine months, there should be a person popping out of you any day now, I thought you'd be nervous. I don't know how to handle these things, I've never been a father."

"I would hope so," I say through laughs. "Don't worry, you'll be a great dad." I rub soothing circles around my stomach, tracing the outline of my bump with my forefinger.

"Will I?"

"Yes of course," I say. "Why would you have doubts?"

"Because of who my father was. Heck, he used to beat me for pleasure, what's to say I won't do that to my own kid?" I move both of my hands protectively to my stomach. "I will never do that, but I've never had a father figure in my life, I won't know what to do."

"Neither do I," I admit. "We'll figure it out together, I promise."

He sighs, moving his hands to cup my face. "I love you."

He presses his lips to mine, moving passionately against me. I bring my hands up to his hair, knowing how much he loves it. He grunts with pleasure, making me smile against his lips. He moves his hands down to my waist and pulls me closer to him, deepening the kiss.

As if on cue, a sharp pain erupts throughout my abdomen. I pull away and clutch my stomach, leaning over the couch. Tobias cautiously rubs circles on my back, in an attempt to comfort me. I screw my eyes shut and scream out in agony.

"Tris, baby, what's wrong?" he asks.

I shake my head, unable to answer. I grind my teeth together and squeeze the soft fabric of my t-shirt. The pain slowly dies down, leaving me absolutely breathless.

"Tris..." he asks, obviously concerned.

"Tobias," I start. "I think the baby's coming."

Author's Note:


*this is where you respond with "okay." and then someone comments "OH MY GOD TFIOS REFERENCE OVERLOAD"*

Anyways... I'm really really really really sorry o haven't updated in like a while. I've just been super busy with everything and I know that's no excuse for not updating but I just don't want to get into the details of everything right now so just trust me when I say it's a good reason.

But ya so this is the last chapter and I edited and re-edited it over and over because it's been a while since I've updated and it's the last chapter so it has to be good amiright? It's also the longest chapter I've written (almost 2k words) so I hope that makes up for not updating :)

So I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you did then please comment and vote because it'd make me super happy and stuff lol.

Should I write an epilogue?? LEAVE COMMENTS




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