Chapter 12: I Fucked Up Big Time

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I stare at his body unable to from words or reach toward him. Is this normal? Is he okay? I'm frozen in shock staring down at Leo's lifeless body endless thoughts swirling through my head.

The next thing I know, Alex is there crouched over Leo's body, looking him over for signs of damage before looking up and giving me an accusatory glare.

"What did you do to him?" he asks, his voice rough with anger.

I just shake my head unable to form a response.

"He drank your blood," Alex concludes, noticing the red smear on his lips and the marks on my neck. "You did this," he accuses.

Lord Byron is now there standing next to Leo's body. My ears are ringing as I notice that every vampire in the room is staring at me like I am a criminal.

"Escort him to my office, Alex," Byron commands, "You too, Lily."

I numbly follow as the assembled vampires watch my every move before I disappear into Byron's hidden office. I step in and freeze at the sight of Leo's frozen body laid out on the couch. He's so pale.

The sound of Byron's voice startles me out of my daze as I turn my head to take in the rest of the room.

Byron is standing behind his oak desk, putting distance between us, and Alex is standing protectively besides the couch Leo is laid out on. I also notice that Cyrus, Byron's maker and council leader, is standing half in the shadow of the corner of the room next to the bookshelf.

"What happened Lily?" Byron questions, and before I have a change to respond, Alex cuts in. "She did this. He drank form her and then passed out. Obviously, her blood is dangerous. This is her fault." I stare at Alex's face twisted in a sneer.

I try to defend myself, but what he said is the truth. My blood did this.

"She probably lured him to drink her blood on purpose as well."

I feel like I can hear the sound of my heart breaking in the silence that coats the room. My mouth opens and closes but no words form. I want to defend myself, but the shock of Alex's anger is overwhelming. I'm so frustrated I could cry but no tears slip out, and all I can do is look at the anger I see reflected in Alex's face. Even Byron's eyes that normally hold a glimmer of laughter when I am around are dark. I will have no support from either of them on this.

Cyrus clears his throat from the corner of the room and walks to Byron's side. "Might I suggest putting her under guard while we work out what happened. I will call Council Leader Helen. She is a white witch well versed in both curses and healing. She will be able to tell us more about what is going on here," Cyrus suggests.

Byron sternly nods to Cyrus. "Alex, please escort Lily to the cells, and then let everyone know that the ball has come to an end for this evening."

Alex marches over to me and firmly grasps my upper arm in a punishing grip. I do my best to not let the grimace of pain show on my face. I am the enemy now. I won't find any sympathy here. Alex begins to drag me from the room when Byron interrupts, "Oh and Alex, make sure you post a few guards there is still the matter of the traitor targeting Lily."

"She probably faked the drowning anyway," Alex mumbles under his breath.

He drags me through the first floor as the various vampires stare at our unusual parade. He leads me through room after room as I stumble to keep up with his long strides. We come up to another hidden door much like Byron's office. I guess Byron never intended to give me the full tour. Alex pulls it open and I stare in to the darkness beyond. He drags me behind him and I nearly crash into him when I realize that there is a stone staircase leading down into the inky blackness. Alex doesn't bother turning on the lights if there are even any. His vision allows him to see in this kind of darkness. The kind and considerate side of Alex that I was treated to before is now gone. Another piece of my heart seems to break, further shattering into painful splinters that press into my lungs and make it difficult to breath.

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