Chapter 8: Two Vampires and A Succubus Walk into a Dinning Room

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I sat to the right of Byron with Alex next to me and Leo across from me. There was only one empty seat left at the table.

"Are we waiting for someone else?"

The table remains silent. Okay, weird vampires. I mean what should I expect from creatures that have lived for hundreds of years? To be normal? Yeah, right.

As if the was some unspoken signal, the household helpers fill the room, setting carafes of blood and a glass of juice for me. Yum.

As I reach to pick up my juice, another helper places a small plate of some kind of pastry. I eye the square piece of pastry. It looks like there is some sort of cream in the center, sliced fruit spread artfully on top, a sprinkle of nuts, and some kind of dark sauce drizzled over the top. It looked good but weird. I have never eaten anything like this before. I guess I will give it a try. I pick up the pastry and take a small nibble of the corner. Wow and explosion of flavor and texture. It's like a party in my mouth. If I had food like this available in the lab, I'm sure I would have continued to eat solid food even if it meant using the toilet like a normal human.

Licking my fingers clean, I small sound makes me raise my head. Alex has his hand covering his mouth, his eyes crinkled with humor. Byron and Leo are also looking at me with soft smiles.

"I am pleased that you enjoyed the food, my dear," Byron remarked. "My cook was excited to put something together for you to try."

"Tell the cook that was the most delicious thing I have ever eaten in my life," I said with an appreciative smile.

"So, you can eat and drink human food," Leo remarks.

"Yes," I answer, "I don't have to. Normally, I wouldn't bother because then I have to deal with other human things." Noticing their questioning glances, I deadpan, "The toilet."

I quickly continue, trying to move on to the next topic. "Back at the facility, the food was pretty shitty so I was glad when I no longer had to eat it. The scientists thought I was going on a hunger strike. It took them months to realize that I no longer needed human food in addition to my other feedings."

"Speaking of feeding," Leo says, "What exactly is she and what does she feed on." He's acting like I'm not even sitting her, and I cannot help but frown in his direction.

Byron answers, "Lily feeds similar to a succubus, but unlike the succubus she does not rely on sexual energy. I have to say it makes her feeding considerably easier."

I have to agree. It would suck to have to get that intimate to whoever you are going to feed from and potentially kill, especially if I was targeting bad people. Gross.

Leo gives me a contemplative look with his dark red eyes as Byron continues, "Lily also mentioned that she can influence others through skin contact similar to our ability to compel. However, the effects fade once she is no longer maintains contact."

I wonder what Leo thinks about all of this. Alex slices through my train of thought. "Have you found anything about what Lily is in your research, father."

"Not yet, but I am beginning to come to an idea." He then shifts topics. "So, let us turn our attention to the possibility of a traitor among the coven members."

Why we aren't discussing this in Byron's sound-proofed office? This must be a part of his plan.

"I have also made Leo aware of the situation and as head of security, he will be in charge of finding out the identity of the traitor." I'm sure my eyes widen in surprise, although I am almost positive this is a bluff to make whoever the traitor is focus on Leo.

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