Chapter 21: It's My Sexy Time, and I Want It Now!

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I'm slurping the last bit of my chocolate milkshake while cuddling between two hunks. What more can you ask for? I place my empty cup down and kick my legs up so I can stretch across Valen and Leo. Like clockwork, Valen starts massaging my calves and feet.

We made it back to the manor after a three-hour drive, made slightly longer by our quick stop to pick up some food. When we pulled up, Leo carried me bridal style all the way to his room while I kept a death grip on my milkshake. He plopped us down on the couch and then turned on some light music. I guess Valen had been stalking us, because he sat down on the other side of me. I couldn't help snuggling into his side.

Laid out on my men, I feel like I can finally relax. Leo's hand tentatively reached over to my bump that was protruding a bit more than usual due to my meal. He softly stroked the skin. I stretched my neck to look at his face. I was surprised to see the softening of his face and the lightness in his eyes. Unconsciously, I relaxed even more. I hadn't realized how worried I was about Leo's reaction to the baby. I could finally let out a breath of relief. Even if I don't know who the father is, at least I know that I have Leo and Valen with me.

"I," Leo's voice cracks a bit before he clears his throat. "I never thought I would have the opportunity to be a father."

I soften. "Yeah," I smile, "I never thought I would be a mother before I even had sex for the first time."

I can feel the thighs under my head tense up and Valen's hands tighten on my feet. Valen's eyes glow brighter and I can see a hint of teeth.

"Hmm, maybe we can remedy that," Valen smirks.

Hot damn. Maybe it's the hormones but that sounds like an excellent idea.

"No need to rush. We have all our lives to take that step," Leo adds.

I frown. Okay, mister. Why is he so committed to me living the life of a nun? Sex is not a crime. Is it because he isn't attracted to me? Tears spring to my eyes. I spring up and run to the bathroom, locking the door. Sobbing, I turn on the shower. I can hear a knock at the door. I ignore it.

"Lily, what's wrong?" I hear Leo's voice.

"She thinks you don't want to mate with her," Valen adds.

"What?" Leo replies, acting surprised.

I try to ignore their conversation. I just need to focus on me. I'm hot, I'm funny, I'm super cool. It's not my fault that Leo can't see that.

Another soft knock on the door, "Lily, it's not that I don't want to have sex with you, it's just that I don't want you to feel pressured or rushed."

Words, words, and more words. Whatever. At least I have Valen.

Noticing my lack of response, I can sense Leo moving away from the door. I finish up with my shower and wrap myself in a fluffy towel. Walking out of the bathroom, I notice Valen splayed out on the couch with no Leo in sight. My eyes sting as I stomp over to the closet, pulling on a loose t-shirt and some of Leo's boxers.

I walk out of the closet and stand next to the couch where Valen is laying. He reaches up with his eye still mostly closed, pulling me on top of him. I burry my face in his neck as he rubs soft circles on my lower back. I want to ask where Leo went, but also, I don't want to know. I focus on Valen's breathing and the slow circles, quickly drifting off to sleep.

I don't know how long it's been, but in my half-awake sate I hear Leo and Valen talking.

"You need to be softer with her right now. She has been through a lot and with the pregnancy, all her feelings are much closer to the surface," Valen whispers.

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