Chapter 6: Sorry Tim

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Because of how late last night's dinner went, I didn't get up until two in the afternoon. I spent the rest of the day exploring the library and walking around the gardens. I was not a very good reader with my abysmal education in the labs, so I felt pretty dishearten when I tried to look for some answers. It also didn't help that most of the books were not in English. Either that was the case or I really sucked at reading.

Around seven, Alex found me sitting in the garden.

"Ready to go?"

"Yep," I replied, following him to the communal garage.

"Normally, I would let you choose the car, but since we have a pick up, we need to take the van. We need the trunk space."

I just nod, slipping into the passenger seat. He turns on the radio to some loud rock station. It's different than anything I have ever heard before. He even throws his head back-and-forth to the beat for some reason, and plays imaginary instruments at the red lights. I cannot hide the smile with all of his crazy antics. The tall buildings of the city seem to surround the car, watching us.

"First stop, the blood donation center."

We pull up to a building labeled with a giant drop of blood. It's clear we are at the back door of the building considering we are parked in a one-way alleyway. Alex types something on his phone, stepping out of the car. A few moments later, a middle-aged man is opening the back door, pushing a huge card filled with boxes. They head to the trunk, and Alex begins to unload the boxes into the trunk. I catch a glance of Alex handing the man an envelope from the rear-view mirror.

The trunk slams shut, and then Alex is getting back into his seat.

"That was fast," I remark.

With a wry smile, he replies, "We've been doing business with good old Jeffery for the past 10 years. So, where exactly should we go for your hunt?"

Should I tell him that I have never 'hunted' before, and that all my victims were conveniently dropped off in my prison cell? Hmm, better not.

"Can you go to the bad part of town?"

He gives me a nod, throwing the car into drive.

My nerves flutter in my stomach. How exactly is this going to work? I don't want to hurt an innocent person. Before I can come up with some sort of plan of attack, he is pulling to a park in some alleyway with trash pilled against the walls.

"This should be a good spot. Lots of drug dealers and other unsavory types."

I open the door and begin to shut it when he continues, "I'll wait here. If you have any trouble, just yell."

Great. Making my way down the alley, I am way way to distracted to be a good 'hunter.' I take a few turns, looking for someone to feed from. How will I figure out if I can feed from them? It's not like they are just going to say, "Yes, kill me. I am an evil person."

I'm so in my head that I don't notice the group of men at the end of the alleyway. I startle as a male's voice bounces off the brick walls. "Hey, pretty girl. Come on over here."

Well, looks like my dinner found me. The only problem is that there are four, and I have no doubt that most of them have some kind of weapon on them. A crazy, half-baked plan comes to my mind. I turn and begin walking just quick enough to seem scared. Soon enough I hear the pounding of their feet behind me. I pick up the place, needing to get as close to where the car is parked as possible. Hopefully, Alex will help me out.

I am about a block away when the biggest guy catches up to me, pushing me to the ground. Surprised, I freeze. My frozen state quickly ends as I am flipped to my back. Finally reacting like the predator that I am, I shove my hand to his face and pull. Draining him as quickly as possible seems pretty important if I am going to deal with the other three that are about to catch up. His body collapse, dead. This would be a good thing, if that didn't mean that two hundred pounds weren't collapsed on top of me, pinning me to the ground.

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