Chapter 17: In Your Dreams, Lizard Man

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"Well, you must be wondering what we're planning on doing with you know."

I continue staring at her with clenched teeth, but behind my brave front, I cannot help the fear that trickles down my spine.

"I, along with the board, have decided that you are old enough now to begin the next stage of experiments," she says with a smile. "You will be moving rooms soon darling and don't worry you will not be alone."

I think about how good it is going to feel to suck the life out of whoever they put me with. I won't be their perfect little doll. I want them to regret ever thinking of making a monster like me.

Noticing my defiant look, Helen gives a slight smile. "Your new roommate is very similar to you and has had a similar upbringing."

If she thinks I'm going to be sympathetic, she can think again.

"He is also a hybrid, a very rare one. I had to pull a lot of strings and call in a lot of favors to get my hands on his DNA- a dragon, fae combo. You cannot imagine how many failed impregnations and experiments it took."

Dragon? I didn't even know dragons were real let alone fae.

"And lucky for you, as a breeder you will get to carry his very first offspring. We are hoping for at least a 4 or 5 item genetic offspring. Can you imagine the power," she says with an enthusiastic smile.

Oh fuck no. I am not a breeder and I will not let this lizard boy within 10 feet of me.

Noticing my look of obstinance, Helen continues, "All you have to do is deliver two hybrid children with him and we will let you go."

It's official. She thinks I'm an idiot. She is a council member, and she knows I would not keep quiet about what she is doing. The whole supernatural community would be in an uproar and would most likely put a stop to what she is doing.

I know better than to say any of that out loud. It's better for her to think I'm dumb and compliant which will hopefully lower her guard around me and allow me another opportunity to escape even if the likelihood is slim.

"Okay," she says with a clap of her hands, "let's get you moved to your new room and introduce you to your new roommate. Hopefully, you can convince him to comply with our orders," she continues under her breath.

Did she mean for me to hear that? It sounds like this lizard might not be as dumb as he sounds. Maybe we can work out some type of plan.

While my mind is spinning to the next serious of questions, Helen gets up and leaves the room. About a minute later, two armed guards come to roll my bed to my new room.

They roll me down a series of different halls for a couple of minutes, and I do my best to memorize the way they are going. Not that it will help that much unless I need to escape back to my previous cell.

We suddenly come up to a metal door, and one of the guards scans his hand print and eye before the door gives a beep to signal that it is unlocked. Great. That makes things that much more complicated.

One of the guards holds the door open, while the other wheels me in the room. I expect them to loosen the wrist and ankle restraints, but the bastards leave me there, strapped down. I hear the ominous click of the lock behind me and then a beep in front of me. The inner door slowly swings open and I cannot make out anything past the darkness on the other side of the doorway.

This sucks. What if this lizard man is unhinged or hungry? What if he rather eat me first and ask questions later? My breathing continues to see-saw out of my lungs as the seconds crawl by.

After an eternity, I sense some movement. Okay. Need to diffuse the tension and establish that we are on the same side. I got this. "I promise that I'm only strapped down because I'm so sexy."

Wait, what the fuck just came out of my mouth? Oh no. I squeeze my eyes shut. After a second, I open my mouth to try and redeem myself but all that comes out is, "I hear lizards are hot."

That's it. I give up. Kill me now. Clearly, I'm not very smart and totally disregard my own life. Once again, I close my eyes and question my sanity.

A nearly silent shuffling informs me that Mr. Lizard is moving further into the room. I swear I just heard a sniffing sound. Is he sniffing me? Do I smell gross? I mean it's been a couple days since my last shower. Maybe he won't want to eat me because I smell unappetizing.

Suddenly, my eyes dart to the side when I feel a fingertip light sliding down my arm. I turn my head to try to see the offending appendage, but all that greets my eyes is thick darkness.

Another tickling touch on my leg, but I still cannot see anyone. Then, I hear a sniffing right next to my neck, and I blow a fuse.

"Get your scaly hands off me you overgrown lizard!"

A deep laugh in response from Mr. Lizard makes something tighten in my lower belly. His deep voice cause goosebumps down my arms.

"I think I'm going to like my new toy," he says.

Something about his tone equally turns me on as makes me want to kick him in the balls.

"In your dreams, lizard man!"

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